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Cell Structures & Functions Review 1 – 8 = 5 points each 9 – 16 = 10 points each 17 – 24 = 15 points each You and your partner will record your answers.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Structures & Functions Review 1 – 8 = 5 points each 9 – 16 = 10 points each 17 – 24 = 15 points each You and your partner will record your answers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Structures & Functions Review 1 – 8 = 5 points each 9 – 16 = 10 points each 17 – 24 = 15 points each You and your partner will record your answers on the white board, but keep track of what you get right & wrong – for studying purposes…and to keep track of your Points…to turn in at the end of class. You can use the powerpoint “The Cell” on netschool for assistance…nothing else!

2 1 List at least 3 structures that are a part of the endomembrane system in protein production and transport?

3 2 Which structures are part of the process of packaging proteins for export from the cell?

4 3 List at least 3 things that are found in ALL cells:

5 4 What substance passes most readily through the plasma membrane of a cell?

6 5 How is Simple Diffusion different from Facilitated Diffusion?

7 6 Finish this statement: “If a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution the cell will…”

8 7 What would happen to a “mutant” cell that lacks properly functioning ribosomes?

9 8 List at least 3 ways in which Eukaryotic cells are different from Prokaryotic cells.

10 9 List 3 things found in both plant and animal cells & 3 things only found in one (but not the other – identify which cell the structure is in)

11 10 Which types of transport (across the membrane) requires energy? List at least 3:

12 11 Active transport can be explained as movement of a molecule…

13 12 What is the most important structural component of the plasma membrane in carrying out the membrane’s functions?

14 13 Which is more complex – Eukaryotic cells or Prokaryotic cells? Explain your answer.

15 14 What happens to a plant cell if it is placed in a hypotonic solution?

16 15 Identify an organelle that is NOT bound by a membrane:

17 16 The organelle that pinches off portions of its membrane to form a vesicle used for storage or transport is the…

18 17 Match the structures with the correct functions: Lysosome Ribosome ER Nucleolus Chloroplast Lipid Hydrolysis Carbohydrate Production Protein Synthesis Membrane Production Contains DNA

19 18 List at least 2 things that we know as evidence of how mitochondria and chloroplasts may have arisen according to the endosymbiotic theory?

20 19 A single-celled saltwater organism is transferred to a freshwater lake. Which of the following is likely to happen? Why?

21 20 A protein is synthesized in the ribosome and eventually transported to the plasma membrane. What is the correct pathway of the protein in the cell?

22 21 Finish this statement: “The movement of water occurs from a hypotonic… ______________to a… _____________ ______________”

23 22 What does the cell theory tell us?

24 23 List at least 3 important factors involved in passive transport:

25 24 If cells are cultured in an isotonic medium and then placed into distilled water, they will most likely...

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