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COINVEST: Competitiveness, Innovation and Intangible Investment in Europe Project funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "COINVEST: Competitiveness, Innovation and Intangible Investment in Europe Project funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 COINVEST: Competitiveness, Innovation and Intangible Investment in Europe Project funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme Grant No 217512

2 What is the project about? The project aims to understand the contribution of intangible investments to innovation, competitiveness, growth and productivity in Europe. The project will collect data on a wide range of knowledge investment, at macro and micro levels, incorporate these into macro and micro performance measures and thus greatly improve our understanding of knowledge-driven economies and firms and policy.

3 COINVEST Partners

4 Queen Mary, University of London, UK The Conference Board in Europe, Belgium Istituto Superior Técnico Lisboa, Portugal Institutet för Näringslivsforskning, Sweden Club Ekonomika 2000, Bulgaria Zentrum fuer Europaische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH, Germany GRECSTA/INSEE, France Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, UK (pending)

5 Objectives of the research 1.Extend and improve the measurement of intangible investment (Hidden Activities) 2.Examine the effects on the economy (Hidden Impact) 3.Study intangibles investment at firm level

6 What makes the research unique? 1.Cross country data sources has not been explored before 2.A new software code for consistent aggregation 3.Supporting the aspiration of the Lisbon Agenda to make the European Union"the most competitive and dynamic knowledge- driven economy by 2010".

7 Industry Forum 1.Intangible investment and firm performance, 20 th February 2009, London 2.Joint conference with OECD, June 2 nd 2009, Paris 3.Policy and dissemination meeting, March 2010, Brussels

8 Contact Professor Jonathan Haskel, Scientific Co Ordinator, Catherine Edlin, Project Administrator

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