VOCATIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT MODULES Dr Pete Garson, School of Biology Dr Sara Marsham & Prof. Matt Bentley, School of Marine Science & Technology Innovation.

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Presentation on theme: "VOCATIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT MODULES Dr Pete Garson, School of Biology Dr Sara Marsham & Prof. Matt Bentley, School of Marine Science & Technology Innovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 VOCATIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT MODULES Dr Pete Garson, School of Biology Dr Sara Marsham & Prof. Matt Bentley, School of Marine Science & Technology Innovation Fund Dissemination Event December 2012

2 Aim of project  Develop a pair of vocational career development modules in Biology (BIO2021) and Marine Science (MST2017)  10 credit Semester 2 modules  Undertake training in Semester 1  Complete a work placement in Semester 2  NOT work experience!  Carry out a task or project relating to research, development or communication in Biology/Marine Science on behalf of placement provider  Funding used to employ an RA to develop the modules

3 Development tasks  Review vocational career development provision already in place across the University - build on good practice  Define content of training sessions with Careers Service team (Jessica Jung; Barbara Phillips-Kerr; Chris Traynor)  Network with potential providers in the region to set up placements  Develop all handbooks/assessment pro-formas  Collaborate with Helen Lowther (QuILT) to customise ePortfolio as a tool for student reflection and monitoring progress  Engage with students from all three Stages in focus group discussions during the project, to maximise the effectiveness of delivery from the start

4 Module structure  Taught sessions  Delivered by PG, SM, MGB, QuILT & Careers Service  Compulsory tutorials  Timetabled group slots within a two hour window  Optional tutorials  Sign up for individual/group slots if required  Three compulsory Careers Service Skills sessions  Careers Service drop-in

5 Assessment Formative assessment:  Write CV and covering letter relevant to chosen placement  Take part in mock interview to develop skills  Complete health and safety check list

6 Assessment Summative assessment:  Work Placement Plan  Reflective Report/Log  Placement Provider Assessment  Oral Presentation  Written Examination (NB: Marine Science students only)

7 Progress to date…  Confirmed placements from 15 providers for Biology and 17 providers for Marine Science within the region  14 students taking BIO2021; 50 students taking MST2017  Delivered Semester 1 training sessions in partnership with QuILT and the Careers Service  Students currently applying for/attending interviews to complete placements in semester 2

8 Acknowledgments  QuILT for providing funding through their Innovation Fund  Lorna McGowan for undertaking the developmental work  Jessica Jung, Barbara Phillips-Kerr & Chris Traynor from the Careers Service for delivering sessions  Helen Lowther from QuILT for support with ePortfolio

9 Acknowledgments

10 Thank you for listening Any questions?

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