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15641616 April 23 rd 1564 Shakespeare's thought birthdate. April 26 th 1564 Shakespeare was baptised. 1569 - ??? Shakespeare attended King’s New School.

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Presentation on theme: "15641616 April 23 rd 1564 Shakespeare's thought birthdate. April 26 th 1564 Shakespeare was baptised. 1569 - ??? Shakespeare attended King’s New School."— Presentation transcript:

1 15641616 April 23 rd 1564 Shakespeare's thought birthdate. April 26 th 1564 Shakespeare was baptised. 1569 - ??? Shakespeare attended King’s New School 1594 Theatres reopen and Shakespeare and his troupe, Chamberlain’s Men became very popular. January 1593 Theatres close because of plague. Shakespeare works on poetry. 1590 Shakespeare’s first play Herny VI, Part One was written. 1585 Shakespeare’s twins, Hamnet and Judith were born. May 26 th 1583 Shakespeare’s first child was born. November 28 th 1582 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway April 23 rd 1616 Shakespeare dies. 1609 Thomas Thorpe publishes collection of 154 of Shakespeare’s plays. 1603 Chamberlain’s Men becomes King’s Men 1601 Shakespeare’s farther dies. Plays written after this have dark undertones. Time line of William Shakespeare

2 The Tempest Newly releas'd and pref'rm'd by King’s Men. Written by Shakespeare. Frst showing on All Hollows’ Day – Novemb'r 1st 1611.

3 Teusday, May 24, 1610 Est. 1869 Price 6d Suvivors Return Yesterday eve Deliverence and Patience arrived at our port. Two ships that had been built to return the suvivors of the missing Sea Venture from where they were stranded at an island. The Sea Veanture set sail from Plymouth on 2 Jun 1609 heading towards Jamestown but on the way encountered the raging seas and rough winds of a tempest. Though the brave crew fought for three days to keep their ship in good condition and survive the storm but were unfortunatly unsuccessful. Their ship ewnded up on the reefs of an unknown island. The surviviors were stranded on the island for nine months. During this time they built two ships, Deliverence and Patience, from the remains of the Sea Venture and cedar. They departed from the island on the 10 th of May and arrived in Jamestown on the 23 rd of May. Of the 500 who xet sail only 60 arrived at Jamestown. They will most likely have to leave Jamestown as it is unviable. ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER

4 The Sea Voyage’s influence in The Tempest The story of The Sea Voyage and The Tempest have many similarities. Both stories happen as the result of a large, violent storm that cause the ships inhabitants to have to board an island and when they leave the island both stories include two men being left on the island as a punishment. The similarities continue past this and the event saturated the news when the surviviors arrived at Jamestown. It is very likely and widely though that The Tempest was based on The Sea Voyage but unknown if it actually was.

5 16191865 1619 First African Slaves arrive in Virginia 1787 Slavery was made in illegal in North West territory. 1808 Congress bans import of slaves from Africa. 1820 Missouri Compromise bans slavery north of the southern border of Missouri. 1793 Fugitive State Law is enacted. 1831 Most significant slave uprising in American history, was led by Nat Turner who was hanged. Virginia enforced stricter slave laws. 1846 The Wilmot Provisio unsuccessfully attempts to ban slavery. 1850 California is admitted as a free state and slave trade in Washington DC is prohibited. 1865 Slavery and the civil war ends. 1863 President Lincoln frees all slaves within the confederate state. Time line of slavery in America

6 Shakespeare’s view on slavery and how it is shown in The Tempest Shakespeare’s view on slaves was in the negative, he had a compassion for humanity and desire for justice. Shakespeare’s view on slavery can be seen in a variety of ways and in particular the freeing of the slaves at the end of The Tempest. There are the two prominent slaves, Arial and Caliban, the other charaters who some theorise as also being slaves of Prospero as they are controlled by his magice and Prospero himself being a slave to magic. All of the characters are set free from their slavery at the end of the play.

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