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2 Overview This presentation is an overview of SRSA’s performance against quarterly performance indicators/targets as reflected in the Department’s Annual Performance Plan (APP) for 2014/15 financial year. It summarises the details covered in the quarterly performance review report for quarter 3 (October to December 2014). SRSA senior managers under the leadership of the Director- General, gather at a quarterly performance review meeting in the first month following each quarter, to review the performance for that particular quarter. The final report is submitted to the DPME; Audit Committee and National Treasury for analysis and advice, where necessary.

3 Overview Unless where the achievement was significant, the achievement of targets by support function units is not covered in this presentation. Achievements covered are based on evidence received. In cases where valid performance evidence relating to quarter 3 is later presented, the achievement will be reflected in the quarter 4 report. Where the Annual Target has been achieved, this is indicated accordingly. Targets Not Met: [X / Y] means Q3 achievement against set target. The PC is updated about performance of quarter 2 in a separate report.

4 Programme 1 Targets: 3 / Achievement: 0 /

5 Targets Not Met Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT) rating [2.8 / 4] The current moderated score is not final as per the MPAT rating system. The Department has challenged the score with facts and evidence; and the new moderated score is awaited. Training of staff [9 / 40] Some of the major projects e.g. NMSCD were deferred to Q3 because of various external influences such as the Commonwealth Games (SRSA bidding]. Q3 then became hectic, with most staff members not available due to work on major projects. Training will be provided in Q4. Internal and External client satisfaction survey [0 / 2] Some of the major projects e.g. NMSCD were deferred to Q3 because of various external influences such as the Commonwealth Games (SRSA bidding]. Q3 then became hectic, with most staff members not available due to work on major projects. The surveys could therefore not be conducted. However, the surveys will be conducted in Q4. (Questionnaires have been drawn).

6 Programme 2 Targets: 7 / Achievement: 5 / PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION 3 22 0 2 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 Achieved Not Achieved 6

7 Achieved Recreational programmes and campaigns implemented: National Youth Camp, Big Walk, and Golden Games [Annual target reached] Sport promotion campaigns and events implemented: Nelson Mandela Sport & Culture Day in partnership with DAC [Athletics & Cycling] - Annual target has been reached. Participants in sport and recreation promotion campaigns and events: Total = 20, 468 [YC – 2 597/GG – 1 043/ BW – 9 789/ AMGD– 189/ NMSCD – 2,681 (27km Run) - Annual target has been reached. South African School National Championships supported: 1 held in Pretoria in December 2014. The Championships included Edutainment run by loveLife and a breakfast for well achieving athletes, hosted by the Minister. Annual target has been reached. Mass Participation and Sport Development Conditional Grant quarterly reports: The report was consolidated and submitted to NT.

8 Targets Not Met Schools provided with sport equipment and apparel: [0 / 40] The matter will be addressed in Q4. Procurement has been initiated. Participants in the school sport programmes: [11, 398 (unverified) / 10, 000] Participation data, especially that of non-learners, who play a critical role towards the success of school championships, is being verified. People, such as coaches, are included as part of the participants because of their role; while others such as managers from a sport department, need to be sifted out so that they are not counted as participants. The target is for now recorded as ‘Not Achieved’ and will be confirmed in the Q4 report. If the verified total is 10 000 or more, the Annual target would’ve been achieved.

9 Programme 3 Targets: 6 / Achievement: 2 / PROGRAMME 3: WINNING NATION 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 Achieved Not Achieved 4 2

10 Achieved Major international events receiving intra-governmental support: BMX African Championships held on 08/10/2014 were supported. Although various upcoming events were supported, they are not reported on as achievements because they may end up being reported on, twice [now and in the quarter during which they are held]. - The Annual target has been reached. Recognition and honouring events: SA Sports Awards and the Andrew Mlangeni Golf Day [Green Jacket Awards were held. 4 events recorded took place in q1 and 2, but could not be recorded due to insufficient evidence then. - The Annual target has been reached.

11 Targets Not Met Athletes & coaches assisted by means of scientific support programmes: [31 / 40] The Programme is being discontinued and no new intakes are received. Knowledge management systems implemented and maintained: [1 / 2] Only 5 articles were received for ThinkSport journal. Although SASRecon took place, it could not be reported as ‘achieved’ because the debrief meeting that was to inform the final report could not be held. As such, the close-out report was not received. Athletes supported through the Ministerial Sports Bursary Programme: [6 / 40] There were delays in receiving necessary documents from the relevant parties – be it schools or parents; thus delaying the final payments. Relevant parties are being engaged to ensure that there are no similar challenges for Q4 reporting. Drug-free support agencies supported: [1 / 5] Payment to WADA was returned in Q4 by National Treasury – they wanted proof of obligation to pay WADA. CDA meeting was postponed. - To follow up with NT in Q4 regarding WADA payment and RADO is to be paid in Q4.

12 Programme 4 Targets: 4 / Achievement: 3 /

13 Achieved Sport and recreation bodies receiving financial support: 48 were sport & recreation bodies were supported. The number includes sport & recreation bodies that were supposed to receive their allocations in Q2. This takes the total to 50 out of the annual target of 60. Bilateral relations: SRSA participated in a BNC meeting held in Gaborone, Botswana from 17 – 20 November 2014 to exchange experiences on hosting of major events; utilization of High Performance Centres; Community Recreation; and the hosting of 2014 Africa Youth Games.

14 Achieved Multilateral engagements supported: African Union (AU) Sport Council Region 5 Country Report: SRSA represented at the Executive Committee Meeting in Lilongwe, Malawi on 08 November 2014. 2014 Youth Games in Zimbabwe: The payment for participation fees to the African Union Sport Council Region 5 Games scheduled to take place in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe from 4 to 14 December was approved and processed.

15 Targets Not Met Consolidated National Federation Transformation Progress Reports produced: [0 / 1] The report is based on information sourced from external parties. Because of delays in the submission of information by the sport and recreation bodies and in some cases, request for more information by SRSA, the report could not be finalised in Q3. It is however being finalised and will be published in Q4.

16 Programme 5 Targets: 2 / Achievement: 1 / PROGRAMME 5: INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT 2 1 1 0 1 1 0.5 1 1.5 2.5 Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 Achieved Not Achieved 2 0

17 Targets Achieved / Not Met Achieved: Sport and recreation facilities assisted with technical support during construction: [0 / 3] The Q3 ‘performance’ balances off with the performance of Q2, where the target was ‘3’ and the actual achieved was ‘19’, taking up projects that were supposed to be done before the elections and those for Q3. The Annual Target has also been met. Not Met: Provinces with a completed facility audit: [0 / 1] Lack of cooperation by provinces. SRSA is considering taking up the project and not leaving it to provinces to implement, especially that it is very important for the drawing up of a detailed facilities plan that can influence management decisions going forward. The Annual Target in this regard will not be achieved.

18 OVERALL PERFORMANCE OVERALL PERFORMANCE ACHIEVEMENTS 9 7 7 3 9 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 Achieved Not Achieved There were 20 targets to be achieved by the Department during the quarter under review. However, there were also 2 targets that were outstanding from quarter 2, in (Nelson Mandela Sport & Culture Day and the Knowledge sharing – SasreCon & ThinkSport Journal) that had to be reported on, in Q3.

19 OVERALL PERFORMANCE Of the 22 targets, Eleven targets were achieved and Eleven of them were not achieved. This translates to 50% achievement against targets for quarter 3. Measured against the overall annual targets (23), the quarter achievement translates to 48%.

20 Thank you Although the picture may look discouraging in quarter 3, management is doing their best to achieve almost all the targets by end of quarter 4. One target that we are 100% sure that it will not be achieved, is the one on conducting a facility audit in all provinces. We appreciate the Portfolio Committee’s continued leadership and guidance towards another Clean Audit.


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