AZ GEAR UP Year 3 Planning Meeting May 1, 2014 Arizona GEAR UP Year 3 Planning “The Beginning is the Most Important Part of the Work” Plato.

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Presentation on theme: "AZ GEAR UP Year 3 Planning Meeting May 1, 2014 Arizona GEAR UP Year 3 Planning “The Beginning is the Most Important Part of the Work” Plato."— Presentation transcript:

1 AZ GEAR UP Year 3 Planning Meeting May 1, 2014 Arizona GEAR UP Year 3 Planning “The Beginning is the Most Important Part of the Work” Plato

2 Change AND transition 2

3 transition Process 3

4 Planning for GEAR UP in 2014-15 “Year 3” Process 2014STEP May 1Planning Meeting; School Task Force members complete Planning Guides and Budget Worksheets May 5-31NAU GEAR UP Staff prepares draft work plan and budget June 2-16NAU GEAR UP Staff consults with GEAR UP Task Force members, as needed to finalize Year 3 work plans and budgets June 17-23GEAR UP submits documents to NAU Office of Grant & Contract Services (OGCS) Jun 24-30NAU OGCS prepares and issues Partner Agreements Jul 1GEAR UP Project Year 3 Commences 4

5 5 YEAR 3 Planning Guide

6 6

7 7 Planning Guide

8 Rigorous/Advanced Coursework/ Curriculum Professional Development/Staff Training STEM Enrichment 8 Objective 1- Increase academic performance and preparation for postsecondary education.

9 PEPS Academic Mentoring/Tutoring Mentoring Metacognitive/Self Regulatory/Intrinsic Motivation and Master Student Skills Development. Absence Intervention College-going Visuals/Communications Career Exploration Summer School/Credit Recovery Dropout Recovery Summer Enrichment STEM Enrichment and Exposure 9 Objective 2- Increase the rate of high school graduation and participation postsecondary education.

10 Family Information Event/Workshops Financial Literacy Family Newsletters New Student and Family Orientation College visits National GEAR UP Week 10 Objective 3- Increase student/family knowledge of postsecondary options, preparation and financing

11 11 YEAR 3 Planning Guide

12 1.2 B. Improve quality of instruction, through staff training and professional development that: increases teachers’ capacity to engage students as active learners, develops problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and students’ intrinsic motivation and self-regulatory capacity.  Is technology needed to improve classroom instruction and student learning? 2.4 B. Support students’ development of metacognitive and self-regulatory skills and intrinsic motivation.  What resources are needed (e.g., books, technology, etc.) to ensure teachers are properly equipped to support students in this way? 12 YEAR 3 Planning Guide

13 High School Transition Activities 13 Section 4- Transition to High School

14 You will not need to spend much time on this section except for: 5.5 – Coordinator/Counselor CAP training: Decide on the number of attendees (optional) 5.6 & 5.11 - GEAR UP Conferences and Year 3 Planning: Decide on the number of attendees for each for budgeting purposes. 14 Section 5 – Administrative Responsibilities

15 15 Plan Template

16 At the End of Today’s Meeting:  One Planning Template and one Budget Worksheet with your final notes goes back with your Team.  One Planning Template and one Budget Worksheet with your final notes is given to us. Web-site - 16 Keeping the End in Mind


18 Keep in mind:  The work plan drives the budget  Approved work plans are funded by both federal (reimbursement) and match (cost share) resources – stay within provided parameters  Year 3 amounts (both federal and match) are the same as Years 1 and 2 (even though NAU is again directly paying Summer Program costs in Year 3)  Year 3 Allocation / Target excludes Coordinator and (if applicable) Assistant salary + benefits 18 Budget Worksheet

19 When considering needs, think about:  who (besides GEAR UP Coordinators) will devote significant time to activity(ies) -- district staff? consultants?  how much time, what is the value of that time  other resources (supplies, fees, transportation) necessary to accomplish tasks  scope (how many students/families are involved, etc.) 19 Budget Worksheet

20 Tips (see reverse side of Budget Worksheet):  Summer Program #s have been determined, program costs will be paid directly by NAU GEAR UP, budget for other related costs  Pay close attention to notes on travel costs  Be as detailed as you can be, for both federal and match (cost share) at this early point in the process  At the end of the day, give one Budget Worksheet with your final notes to us 20 Budget Worksheet

21 New for Year 3: Information Technology Request form  Demonstrates how technology purchased with GEAR UP funds is necessary to achieve GEAR UP work plan task(s)  Must be completed for any proposed Year 3 technology purchase  Submit to Site Support Specialist no later than Friday, May 23, 2014 21 Budget Worksheet

22 9:15 amTeam Planning TG’s Sites (602-505-0003) · Yuma Union …………..……………………………………Crescent I · Douglas ………………………………………………….…Crescent II · Casa Grande Union …………..………………………….…Crescent III · Mingus Union …………..……………………………….….Crescent IV RL’s Sites (602-999-4630) · Winslow ……………………………………………….……Canyon 1 · Holbrook ……………………………………….………….. Canyon 3 · Kingman ………………………………………….………....Crescent Ballroom A · Colorado River Union………..……………………………...Crescent Ballroom B · Humboldt …….………………...………………...............…Crescent Ballroom C 22 Room Assignments

23 11:30 amNetworking Lunch (Phoenix Patio-Garden or Phoenix B) 12:30 pmTeam Planning – continued (same rooms) 3:00 pmAdjourn – we will not reassemble, please drop off your draft plan, budget, and event evaluation forms to us, and pick up your professional development hours certificate before you leave! Planning Meeting Website: 23 Room Assignments

24 “Before beginning, plan carefully”. Cicero, Marcus T. c 106-43 BC Great Roman Orator Politician 24 Wisdom

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