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The Counter Reformation World Civilizations Madison Southern High School.

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1 The Counter Reformation World Civilizations Madison Southern High School

2 Ignatius of Loyola Injured in war, believed daily devotions cleansed him. Had a group of followers called Jesuits. 1.Founded schools 2.Convert non-Christians 3.Stop Protestantism

3 Teresa of Avila She was the most famous female spiritual leader. As a nun decided conventiontal practices too lax, followed her own strict rules. Deep spirituality, visions, fervor inspired many to remain Catholic.

4 Roman Inquisition 1542, to counter the Reformation, the church established their own church court. Roman Inquisition tried people accused of – 1.Being Protestants 2.Practicing Witchcraft 3.Breaking Church Law

5 Spanish Inquisition Spanish monarchs set up and controlled their own much harsher Spanish Inquisition, 1478. They used the Inquisition to impose religious uniformity, especially on converted Jews, Muslims, and, eventually, Protestants.

6 Abuse of Church Power Church tried to stamp out rebellion through the Index of Forbidden Books. Church warned reading these books would cause people to lose their souls. Accounts of torture and executions by courts damaged the church’s image.

7 Witchcraft Many Europeans believed witches roamed the land, killing children and cattle. Fears increased in times of poor harvests and other hardships; fears inspired hysteria in which accused witches were tried for alleged wrongdoing. Penalty for practicing witchcraft was death; many innocent victims were executed.

8 Reforming the Popes Paul III and Paul IV – 1.Investigation of indulgences 2.Approved Jesuits 3.Heresy – a belief contrary or opposite to that of church teaching – was punished. Council of Trent – It was established to oversee the Church Reform. It spanned nearly 20 years (1545 – 1563)

9 Reforming the Popes Catholic Church interpretation of bible is final. Church members need faith and works. Bible and church traditions were equally as powerful.

10 The Reformation’s Legacy Religion is no longer united in Europe. States/Monarchs gained power – encouraging modern nation states to form. It laid the foundation for the rejection of Christian belief.

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