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Adapting Existing Science Lessons to Address Science and Engineering Practices for Science in 3-D R. Thomas Layfield All Presentation Materials Available.

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Presentation on theme: "Adapting Existing Science Lessons to Address Science and Engineering Practices for Science in 3-D R. Thomas Layfield All Presentation Materials Available."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adapting Existing Science Lessons to Address Science and Engineering Practices for Science in 3-D R. Thomas Layfield All Presentation Materials Available via

2 The Need for Adaptation All science teachers want to do what’s best for their students However, they are coping with many obstacles and challenges Increasing demands on their time Comfort level with science curriculum Science background knowledge In order to get teacher buy-in, we need to make the transition to 3-D instruction as easy as possible.

3 The Need for Adaptation The best way to do this is to find ways for teachers to: Adapt lessons they have already created Adapt content they are already teaching Adapt instruction in ways that make sense for the differentiated needs of their students

4 Professional Learning for Adaptation The 3-Hour Professional Learning Experience will be presented in 4 parts: 1) Gauging Existing Understandings of Science and Engineering Practices and the 3-D Model 2) Matching Existing Lessons and Activities with Closely Aligned Practices 3) Model Lesson 4) Adaptation of Existing Lessons (Prior to the experience, teachers will be asked to collect one or two science activities they are currently using and bring those with them to the Professional Learning)

5 Gauging Existing Understandings of Science and Engineering Practices and the 3-D Model Teachers will take a quick survey about their understandings of Science and Engineering Practices and the 3-D Model. Teachers can share questions and concerns they have. Tiered instruction can be provided to teachers about best practices in terms of the purpose, need for the transition, and practices themselves dependent upon teacher needs.

6 Matching Existing Lessons and Activities with Closely Aligned Practices Teachers will be asked to pull out 2-3 essential understandings they want students to have about the content in the lessons they bring with them. Teachers will post these elements around the room on charts for each of the elements/practices. Teachers will discuss their thoughts about and brainstorm ideas for each element/practice with other teachers who selected the same elements/practices.

7 Model Lesson The presenter will then lead the teachers through a model lesson, “A Georgia Mineral Mystery” as teachers participate in the same activities their students would experience. This lesson adapts and builds onto content already being taught in the 3 rd Grade Science Curriculum: o Major Concept – Rocks and Minerals of Georgia o Standard S3E1b Recognize the physical attributes of rocks and minerals using observation (shape, color, texture), measurement, and simple tests (hardness).

8 Model Lesson – Observing Mineral Properties Teachers/Students will utilize 5 simple tests to investigate the properties of minerals: investigate the properties of minerals o Hardness o Luster o Streak o Color o Special Properties This element of the lesson focuses on the Science and Engineering Practice of Analyzing and Evaluating Data that students have collected.

9 Model Lesson – Observing Mystery Minerals Teachers/Students will use the simple tests they have used in the first part of the lesson to determine the identity of 2 mystery minerals that are commonly found in Georgia.determine the identity of 2 mystery minerals This element of the lesson also focuses on the Science and Engineering Practice of Analyzing and Evaluating Data that students have collected.

10 Model Lesson – Mystery Mineral Radio Play Teachers/Students will create a radio play to demonstrate their understandings of the properties of minerals and mineral identification.create a radio play Teachers/Students will o Write a list of procedures for testing minerals o Write a radio play script in which they detail their “investigation” o Record their radio play This element of the lesson focuses on the Science and Engineering Practice of Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information that students have collected through their investigation.

11 Model Lesson – Additional Information The lesson models hands-on science at the elementary level. The lesson expands upon content and lessons that teachers are already teaching. The lesson emphasizes the goal of creating scientifically literate adults by allowing students the opportunity to investigate the content and then communicate it effectively and creatively.

12 Model Lesson – Additional Information The lesson uses scalable technology. That is, it can be completed using everything from purchased podcasting equipment to only the teacher’s cell phone. The lesson incorporates literacy standards (in particular written and oral communication) which means teachers can use the lesson in their ELA time as well. The lesson can be modified for an investigation of “Mystery Rocks.” The lesson can be modified for 6 th grade curriculum to include additional properties (cleavage, density, specific gravity, and additional minerals)

13 Model Lesson – Additional Information Following the model lesson there will be an open discussion of how the initial content and lesson were adapted to include Science and Engineering Practices and utilize the 3-D Model.model lesson

14 Adaptation of Existing Lessons To complete the Professional Learning, teachers will work collaboratively for approximately 1 hour to adapt the lessons they bring with them. The presenter will work with teachers 1 on 1 and in small groups to adapt their lessons to include Science and Engineering Practices within the 3-D Model.

15 Thank You for Your Time and This Opportunity.

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