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Graduation Updates for Special Education Handouts available online: Webinar November 4, 2015 Elizabeth Danner & John Shaffer.

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Presentation on theme: "Graduation Updates for Special Education Handouts available online: Webinar November 4, 2015 Elizabeth Danner & John Shaffer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduation Updates for Special Education Handouts available online: Webinar November 4, 2015 Elizabeth Danner & John Shaffer

2 Online Resource

3 Key Resources for Graduation TAC Chapter 74: Curriculum Requirements Minimum Standards for the AAR (2012) Commissioner’s Rule 89.1070: Graduation Requirements for SWDs PEIMS Code Table C062: Graduation Types PEIMS Code Table C022: Course titles TREX Data Standards


5 SB 149

6 Commissioner’s Rule 89.1070 Graduation Requirements for Students Receiving Special Education Services Revised Summer 2015 Adopted August 2015 Effective September 16, 2015

7 When does eligibility for FAPE end? What credits and assessments are required for each high school program? What else should ARD committees consider related to graduation? What are the options for a student with a disability to access an IGC? TAC § 89.1070 answers these questions...

8 Check § 89.1070 to see what is required for a student to earn a diploma through each option.

9 CreditsAssessments Foundation – (b)(1) 22/district Chapter 74.12 STAAR/STAAR A ARD determines if passing is required Foundation – (b)(2) 22/district Chapter 74.12 Modified content STAAR/STAAR A STAAR Alt 2 ARD determines if passing is required Endorsement – (c) (e) – Course for FHSP and Endorsement cannot be modified 26/district Chapter 74.12 + 74.13(e) Modified content allowed Chapter 74.12(f) NO modified content STAAR/STAAR A Must pass What requirements can ARD committees adapt? What impact do these decisions have on graduation options? Accommodations ----------- Modifications

10 TAC Chapter 74 identifies curriculum requirements for graduation. Look for these in 89.1070: 74.12 74.13 (e) 74.13 (f)

11 CreditsAssessments Foundation – (b)(1) 22/district Chapter 74.12 STAAR/STAAR A ARD determines if passing is required Foundation – (b)(2) 22/district Chapter 74.12 Modified content STAAR/STAAR A STAAR Alt 2 ARD determines if passing is required Endorsement – (c) (e) – Course for FHSP and Endorsement cannot be modified 26/district Chapter 74.12 + 74.13(e) Modified content allowed Chapter 74.12(f) NO modified content STAAR/STAAR A Must pass

12 (b)(1) The student has demonstrated mastery of the required state standards (or district standards if greater) in Chapters 110- 118, 126-128, and 130 of this title and satisfactorily completed credit requirements for graduation under the Foundation High School Program specified in §74.12 of this title (relating to Foundation High School Program) applicable to students in general education as well as satisfactory performance as established in the TEC, Chapter 39, on the required state assessments, unless the student's admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee has determined that satisfactory performance on the required state assessments is not necessary for graduation. 89.1070 Foundation TAC Chapter 74 §74.12. Foundation High School Program. (a) Credits. A student must earn at least 22 credits to complete the Foundation High School Program. (b) Core courses. A student must demonstrate proficiency in the following...

13 CreditsAssessments Foundation – (b)(1) 22/district Chapter 74.12 STAAR/STAAR A ARD determines if passing is required Foundation – (b)(2) 22/district Chapter 74.12 Modified content + IEP and 1/4 conditions STAAR/STAAR A STAAR Alt 2 ARD determines if passing is required Endorsement – (c) (e) – Course for FHSP and Endorsement cannot be modified 26/district Chapter 74.12 + 74.13(e) Modified content allowed Chapter 74.12(f) NO modified content STAAR/STAAR A Must pass

14 (b)(2) The student has demonstrated mastery of the required state standards (or district standards if greater) in Chapters 110-118, 126-128, and 130 of this title and satisfactorily completed credit requirements for graduation under the Foundation High School Program specified in §74.12 of this title through courses, one or more of which contain modified curriculum that is aligned to the standards applicable to students in general education, as well as satisfactory performance as established in the TEC, Chapter 39, on the required state assessments, unless the student's ARD committee has determined that satisfactory performance on the required state assessments is not necessary for graduation. The student must also successfully complete the student's individualized education program (IEP) and meet one of the following conditions... 89.1070 Wait for it...

15 (A) Consistent with the IEP, the student has obtained full-time employment, based on the student's abilities and local employment opportunities, in addition to mastering sufficient self-help skills to enable the student to maintain the employment without direct and ongoing educational support of the local school district. (B) Consistent with the IEP, the student has demonstrated mastery of specific employability skills and self-help skills that do not require direct ongoing educational support of the local school district. (C) The student has access to services that are not within the legal responsibility of public education or employment or educational options for which the student has been prepared by the academic program. (D) The student no longer meets age eligibility requirements. 89.1070 FAPE ends FAPE continues

16 CreditsAssessments Foundation – (b)(1) 22/district Chapter 74.12 STAAR/STAAR A ARD determines if passing is required Foundation – (b)(2) 22/district Chapter 74.12 Modified content + IEP and 1/4 conditions STAAR/STAAR A STAAR Alt 2 ARD determines if passing is required Endorsement – (c) (e) – Course for FHSP and Endorsement cannot be modified 26/district Chapter 74.12 + 74.13 (e) Modified content allowed Chapter 74.12 (f) NO modified content STAAR/STAAR A Must pass

17 (c) A student receiving special education services may earn an endorsement under §74.13 of this title (relating to Endorsements) if the student: 89.1070

18 (1) satisfactorily completes the requirements for graduation under the Foundation High School Program specified in §74.12 of this title as well as the additional credit requirements in mathematics, science, and elective courses as specified in §74.13(e) of this title with or without modified curriculum; (2) satisfactorily completes the courses required for the endorsement under §74.13(f) of this title without any modified curriculum; and (3) performs satisfactorily as established in the TEC, Chapter 39, on the required state assessments. 89.1070 Must meet all 3! TAC Chapter 74 74.13 (e) **can be modified** To earn an endorsement a student must demonstrate proficiency in the following... 74.13 (f) **NO modifications** A student may earn any of the following endorsements...

19 (e) In order for a student receiving special education services to use a course to satisfy both a requirement under the Foundation High School Program specified in §74.12 of this title and a requirement for an endorsement under §74.13 of this title, the student must satisfactorily complete the course without any modified curriculum. 89.1070

20 CreditsClasses FHSP Endorsement (e) – Course for FHSP and Endorsement cannot be modified

21 (l) For purposes of this section, modified curriculum and modified content refer to any reduction of the amount or complexity of the required knowledge and skills in Chapters 110-118, 126-128, and 130 of this title. Substitutions that are specifically authorized in statute or rule must not be considered modified curriculum or modified content. 89.1070 LOTE and PE “substitutions” @ Ch. 74 TAC Chapter 74 LOTE = 74.12 (b)(5) (B), (C), and (D) PE = 74.12 (b)(6) (G) A course substitution available through 74.12 is not the same as the special education course substitutions that used to be available. The substituted course per 74.12 can be modified - - as with ANY course in the C022 - - however, the expectation is that the student will demonstrate mastery of the requirements for the substituted course.

22 What About IGCs? Individual Graduation Committees

23 Credits - IGCAssessments - IGC Foundation – (f) 22/district 74.1021 STAAR/STAAR A Must take all 5 Must pass at least 3 Endorsement – (d) 26/district Meet (c)(1) and (2) STAAR/STAAR A Must take all 5 Must pass at least 3 RHSP/DAP – (g)(2) 26/district Meet (g)(2) NO modified content STAAR/STAAR A Must take all 5 Must pass at least 3 IGC = Grade 11 or 12 @ SY 2014-15 / 2015-16 / 2016-17

24 Find students with IEPs who would benefit from pursuing an IGC over the ARD decisions about assessment. If they’re eligible to pursue graduation through IGC, help them go for it! Students with disabilities should benefit from the SB 149 rules, too.


26 FoundationEndorsements Take CTE and endorsement courses based on postsecondary goals & interests Accommodations and PASS required assessments Accommodations and passing assessment is not required per ARD Modifications in Foundation courses and PASS required assessments Modifications and passing assessment is not required per ARD Modifications and take STAAR Alternate ARDC should ask: -What modifications is the student receiving? -Why is the student receiving modifications?

27 Accommodations and PASS required assessments Accommodations and passing assessment is not required per ARD Modifications in Foundation courses and PASS required assessments Modifications and passing assessment is not required per ARD Modifications and take STAAR Alternate Students can move to different graduation programs if they meet the requirements for that option.

28 If a student wants to switch to another program or to earn an Endorsement, check to see what requirements they’ve already met and what else they’ll need to do.

29 Minimum Standards for the AAR

30 Minimum Standards for the Academic Achievement Record: 2012 1.7 Course Numbers and Titles (a) The course numbers, titles, and standard title abbreviations of state- approved courses used on the AAR are prescribed in the (PEIMS) Code Table C022 (b) – (e) and “Special Instructions” box See the Coding Considerations document at LiveBinder

31 Codes Across the Years

32 Minimum Standards for the Academic Achievement Record: 2012 1.10 Corrections (a) All corrections must be made clearly and carefully and must convey correct data. Each correction must be explained elsewhere on the AAR or in attached notes. (b) Data entered on the AAR must accurately reflect the student’s actual course completion and performance and must reflect teachers’ records and the student’s IEP... All completed high school courses, regardless of the amount of credit earned, must be entered on the AAR.

33 Review transcripts for Class of 2016 to see if they meet Minimum Standards and C022 requirements.


35 PEIMS Data Standards C022 Table: Service-ID Codes

36 A local-credit 9-code course may be eligible for state high school credit only for a course designed and provided through an individualized education program (IEP) and identified by an admission review and dismissal (ARD) committee as an appropriate substitute for a required course or credit for a student who entered grade 9 prior to 2011-2012. No substitutions are allowed for required high school courses or credits for students receiving special education services who entered grade 9 beginning with the 2011- 2012 school year; therefore, 9 codes should never be used for these students. For elementary and middle school students, courses in the required curriculum that have been modified in content as a result of an ARD committee decision should be coded using the standard code for the subject area at the designated grade level. C022 Table: Service-ID Codes

37 03100700Geometry Use the code below only for students receiving modified content. 03100705Geometry Use the code below only for students receiving alternate content and meeting state testing requirements with alternate assessments. 03100707Geometry C022 Table: Service-ID Codes

38 When selecting a code for a course that will have modified content... Check the C022 table to see what codes are available. Use the code that best fits the level of modification. If a Unique Code is not available, use the standard Service ID code.

39 PEIMS Data Standards C062 Table: Grad Type Codes

40 The following code applies to all students entering grade 9 in 2014-2015 and thereafter, or who entered grade 9 prior to the 2014-2015 school year and opted to graduate under the Foundation High School Program. These students will graduate under TAC Chapter 74. 34 Foundation High School Program TAC Chapter 74.1021, revised December 16, 2013, TAC 74.12; including TAC §89.1070(b)(1) for students receiving special education services, revised August 1, 2002. (for students who entered grade 9 in 2014-2015 and thereafter or entered grade 9 prior to the 2014-2015 school year and opted to graduate under the Foundation High School Program)

41 The following code applies only to students receiving special education and related services who entered grade 9 in 2014- 2015 and thereafter or who entered grade 9 prior to the 2014-2015 school year and opted to graduate under the Foundation High School Program. These students will graduate under TAC Chaper 89. 35 Completion of Minimum Curriculum And Credit Requirements for Graduation Applicable To Students In General Education And Participated In The Exit-Level Assessment Instrument Identified in The IEP-Foundation High School Program TAC 89.1070(b)(1), revised January 1, 2015. [39 TexReg 10446]

42 The following codes will apply only to students receiving special education services on the Foundation High School Program under TAC Chapter 74 with curriculum content modifications through the student's individualized education program (IEP). 54 Completion Of IEP And Full-Time Employment With Sufficient Self-Help Skills To Maintain Employment Without Public School Services TAC §89.1070(b)(2)(A), effective January 1, 2015 [39 TexReg 10446] 55 Completion Of IEP And Demonstrated Mastery Of Specific Employability And Self-Help Skills That Do Not Require Public School Services TAC §89.1070(b)(2)(B), effective January 1, 2015 [39 TexReg 10446] 56 Completion Of IEP And Access To Services, Employment, Or Education Outside Of Public Education TAC §89.1070(b)(2)(C), effective January 1, 2015 [39 TexReg 10446] 57 Completion Of IEP And Reached Age 22 Foundation: TAC §89.1070(b)(2)(D), effective January 1, 2015 [39 TexReg 10446] Compare to 04 Compare to 05 Compare to 06 Compare to 07 Compare to 04 Compare to 05 Compare to 06 Compare to 07

43 Match the Grad Type Code to the option in 89.1070 Review Class of 2015 codes!

44 Personal Graduation Plan (PGP)

45 Personal Grad Plan Programs of Study Course of Study Required by HB 5 for all HS students Advisement tool that supports career pathways Required by TAC 89.1055 for students with disabilities as part of transition planning

46 Consider using the PGP as the course-of-study required for transition planning in the IEP.

47 Who Does What?? ARDC Couns. PEIMS Admin AAR

48 Attend Leaving a Clear Trail at your ESC


50 Elizabeth Danner

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