Social and Emotional Development Presented by: Rose Owens Kathleen Lee November 17, 2011 Room 412.

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2 Social and Emotional Development Presented by: Rose Owens Kathleen Lee November 17, 2011 Room 412

3 Workshop Objectives: Participants will be able to: 1.Identify key skills of social and emotional development. 2.Become familiar with Good Start, Grow Smart standards. 3.Describe ways to support his/her child in his/her social and emotional development.

4 Ice Breaker Activity Getting to Know One Another

5 What is Social and Emotional Development? Social and Emotional Development involves many skills and occurs throughout the day.

6 What is Social and Emotional Development? Key Skills: learning to interact with other people in a positive manner. forming friendships identifying and understanding one’s own feelings and express feelings appropriately. regulating one’s own behavior. developing empathy for others. building self confidence and self esteem.

7 The preschool years have been identified as a key period in developing positive attitudes toward learning (and life).

8 What are we doing at school? Good Start, Grow Smart Standards Success For All-Curiosity Corner

9 Good Start, Grow Smart Standards and Curiosity Corner Goals SE 1. Children will demonstrate a positive sense of self. 1.1 Describe characteristics of self and others. Curiosity Goal: Demonstrates high self-esteem. 1.2 Demonstrate self direction by making choices among peers, activities, and materials. Curiosity Goal: Demonstrates increasing autonomy and initiative. 1.3 Demonstrate confidence by participating in most classroom activities. Curiosity Goal: Exhibits a positive attitude toward school. 1.4 Stand up for rights much of the time. Curiosity Goal: Expresses feelings appropriately. 1.5 Respond respectfully to positive and negative feedback from adults most of the time. Curiosity Goal: Demonstrates high self-esteem.

10 Good Start, Grow Smart Standards and Curiosity Corner Goals SE 2. Children demonstrate self control, respect, and responsibility. 2.1 Follow classroom rules and procedures with reminders. Curiosity Goal: Takes on increasing responsibility. 2.2 Use classroom materials responsibly, most of the time. Curiosity Goal: Takes on increasing responsibility. 2.3 Manage transitions positively when told what to expect. Curiosity Goal: Demonstrates increasing autonomy and initiative. 2.4 Recognize effect on others of own behavior most of the time. Curiosity Goal: Demonstrates pro-social behavior. 2.5 Demonstrate with adult guidance simple techniques to solve social problems. Curiosity Goal: Engages in social problem solving.

11 Good Start, Grow Smart Standards and Curiosity Corner Goals SE 3. Children express feelings and show concern for others. SE 3.1 Recognize own feelings and describe them some of the time. Curiosity Goal: Expresses feelings appropriately. SE 3.2 Develop strategies to express strong emotion with adult help. Curiosity Goal: Demonstrates trust. SE 3.3 Express fears and concerns to familiar adult. Curiosity Goal: Demonstrates trust and Interacts positively with adults. SE 3.4 Show awareness and respond to feelings of others with adult guidance and support. Curiosity Goal: Demonstrates pro-social behavior.

12 Good Start, Grow Smart Standards and Curiosity Corner Goals SE 4. Children form healthy social relationships. SE 4.1 Display emerging social skills of trying to take turns and talk with others during play. Curiosity Goal: Interacts with peers positively and Cooperates with peers. SE 4.2 Develop friendship with one or two preferred children. Curiosity Goal: Interacts with peers positively and Makes friends with peers. SE 4.3 Demonstrates strategies to join play group with adult support. Curiosity Goal: Interacts with peers positively. SE 4.4 Participate in group life of class. Curiosity Goal: Exhibits a positive attitude toward school. SE 4.5 Interact easily with familiar adults by engaging in conversations, responding to questions, and following directions. Curiosity Goal: Interacts positively with adults.

13 How Can We Help? (parents and teachers) Develop dependable consistent routines (develop trust) Encourage your child to talk about family, preferences, and feelings Show affection and be supportive Provide play opportunities for your child with other children Talk to your child about sharing and taking turns (practice at home) Encourage your child to verbalize his/her needs

14 How Can We Help? (parents and teachers) Ask your child’s opinion about real life situations Ask your child’s opinion about a story read aloud Discuss ways to resolve conflicts and the importance of expressing feelings and controlling emotions (i.e., “I am upset with you because you took your baby sister’s snack.”) When mistakes are made, reassure him/her that it is alright and encourage him/her to try again (when you make a mistake, let your child know)

15 How Can We Help? (parents and teachers) Offer plenty of activities to allow for success but also offer activities that can be a challenge for him/her Offer new and interesting experiences Be a good example for your child (i.e., show respect for property of others, use words to resolve conflicts)

16 Remember: You are your child’s first teacher!

17 Questions or Comments

18 Please fill out an evaluation.

19 Resources: The Creative Curriculum for Early Childhood- 3 rd Edition Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs-3 rd Edition Success For All-Curiosity Corner Good Start, Grow Smart Standards

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