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Marin Silic, Goran Delac and Sinisa Srbljic Prediction of Atomic Web Services Reliability Based on K-means Clustering Consumer Computing Laboratory Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "Marin Silic, Goran Delac and Sinisa Srbljic Prediction of Atomic Web Services Reliability Based on K-means Clustering Consumer Computing Laboratory Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marin Silic, Goran Delac and Sinisa Srbljic Prediction of Atomic Web Services Reliability Based on K-means Clustering Consumer Computing Laboratory Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing University of Zagreb, Croatia ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.

2 Outline  Motivation  Reliability in SOA  State-of-the-art  CLUS Approach  Evaluation  Conclusion ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.

3 Motivation  Contemporary web applications - SOA ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013. A 2 A 1 A 3 A 4 A 5 Web Application

4 A 2 A 1 A 3 A 4 Composite service Process of candidates selection ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013. A 2 A 1 A 3 A 4 A 5A 6 Functional propertiesNonfunctional properties Ensure the desired functionality ReliabilityAvailability … Impact Qos & QoE Repository

5 A 2 A 1 A 3 A 4 A 5 A 6 Service Oriented System “Reliability on demand” definition ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013. REQ RES The ratio of successful against total number of invocations Application Past Invocation Sample

6 Drawbacks/Obstacles  Client’s vs. provider’s perspective  Service invocation context  Depends on the quality of the sample  Acquiring a sample proves to be a difficult task ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013. A 2 A 1 A 3 A 4A 5A 6 QoS A 1 QoS 1 QoS 2 QoS QoS 1 QoS 2 ≠ ≠ Service Provider Client

7 Insight to the Solution  To overcome the drawbacks and obstacles  Collect partial, but relevant past invocation sample  Utilize prediction methods to estimate the reliability for the missing records ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.

8 State-of-the-art  Collaborative filtering ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013. p 1n ?…p 11 ?…p 1i ??…?p 22 …? ………………… punpun ?…pu1pu1 ?…p ui ………………… pmnpmn ?…p m1 ?…pmipmi m users n services ? ? … ? … ? ui matrixm,n >> matrix is extremely sparse number of values to predict

9 Collaborative filtering  Computes the similarity using PCC  Matrix can be employed in two different ways ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013. p 1n ?…p 11 ?…p 1i ??…?p 22 …? ………………… punpun ?…pu1pu1 ?…p ui ………………… pmnpmn ?…p m1 ?…pmipmi UPCC approach IPCC approach Hybrid approach

10 Disadvantages of Collaborative Filtering  Scalability  Having millions of users and services – these approaches do not scale  Accuracy in dynamic environments  Internet is a highly dynamic system  Do not consider environment conditions ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.

11 CLUStering  To address scalability  Applies the principle of aggregation  Reduces the redundant data by clustering users and services using K-means  To improve the accuracy  Introduces environment-specific parameters  Disperses the collected data across the additional dimension ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.

12 CLUS Overview ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013. (1c) (2c) (5c) Data Clustering Phase r(u, s, t) p(r) Raw Data Clustered Data Environment Clustering Users Clustering Services Clustering Creation of D (3c) (4c) Prediction Prediction Phase

13 Environment-specific Clustering  Set of environment conditions ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013. t0t0 tctc t1t1 t i-1 titi t c-1 w1w1 w2w2 wiwi wcwc e1e1 e2e2 eiei …… enen …… K-means clustering A day

14 User-specific Clustering  Set of users clusters ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013. u1u1 u2u2 uiui …… umum … … e1e1 e2e2 eiei …… enen K-means clustering

15 Service-specific Clustering  Set of services clusters ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013. s1s1 s2s2 sisi …… slsl … … e1e1 e2e2 eiei …… enen K-means clustering

16 Creation of Space D  Each record, r(u, s, t), is associated to the belonging clusters u k, s j, e i  Each entry in D is computed as follows:  R contains all the records that belong to clusters u k, s j, e i ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.

17 Prediction  Assuming an ongoing r c =(u c, s c, t c )  First, it checks the collected sample:  If H is not empty  Otherwise, ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.

18 Evaluation  Comparison with the state-of-the-art  UPCC  IPCC  Hybrid  Evaluation measures  Prediction accuracy o MAE, RMSE  Prediction performance o Aggregated prediction time ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.

19 Evaluation  Experiment setup  Amazon EC2 Cloud ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013. Data

20 Evaluation  Results – Impact of data density  Prediction accuracy – with load intensity ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.

21 Evaluation  Results – Impact of data density  Prediction performance – with load intensity ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.

22 Evaluation  Results – Impact of number of clusters  Prediction accuracy, Data density = 20% ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.

23 Evaluation  Results – Impact of number of clusters  Prediction performance, Data density = 20% ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.

24 Conclusion  Proposed a CLUS approach  Improved the prediction accuracy  By introducing environment-specific parameters  At least 56% lower RMSE value than the state-of-the-art  Improved the prediction performance  By applying principle of aggregation  Execution time reduced for two orders of magnitude when compared to the state-of-the-art  Flexibility of approach  Trade-off between accuracy and scalability  Can be applied in different environments ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.

25 Q&A  Thanks the audience for listening. ESEC/FSE, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2013.

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