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Multiple Meanings Lesson One Part One Adapted from Vocabulary Building Photos from Google.

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1 Multiple Meanings Lesson One Part One Adapted from Vocabulary Building Photos from Google

2 Pitcher  A person who throws the ball to a batter (Noun)  A container that holds cold drinks (Noun)

3 Figurative Language  “Little pitchers have big ears” means….. Children hear things they should not hear.

4 Bat  A mammal that flies at night (Noun)  To hit the ball (Verb)  A wooden club used to hit the ball in baseball (Noun)

5 Figurative Language He is as “blind as a bat” means…. He is not able to see well. He is not able to see well. She “didn’t bat an eye” means….. She did not react or show any feelings. The class is “batting a thousand” means… They are not making any mistakes. They are not making any mistakes.

6 Pool  Small body of water for swimming (Noun)  Game with balls played on a rectangular table with six pockets (Noun)

7 Figurative Language They will “carpool” to work means…. They will share a ride in one car with a group of people. We need to “pool our resources” means…. We will cooperate and work together.

8 Batter  A thick, beaten mixture of flour, milk, and eggs (Noun)  A baseball player who tries to hit the ball (Noun)

9 Figurative Language “Batters Up” means….. It is your turn.

10 Chest  A part of your upper body (Noun)  Large box with a lid for holding things (Noun)  Piece of furniture with drawers (Noun)

11 Figurative Language I need to “get something off my chest” means… I need to talk about something that is bothering me.

12 Top  A child’s toy that can spin (Noun)  The highest part, opposite of bottom (Noun)  Another name for a girl’s shirt (Noun)

13 Figurative Language I thought of it “off the top of my head” means.. I did not have to think about something for a long time. The man “blew his top” means…. He got very angry. I am “on top of the world” today means… I am very happy.

14 Cobb County Curriculum Standards  Element: ELA6R2.c ELA6R2.c  Identifies and interprets words with multiple meanings  Element: ELA6R1.a ELA6R1.a  Literary text:Identifies and analyzes sensory details and figurative language  Element: ELA7R2.c ELA7R2.c  Identifies and explains idioms and analogies  Element: ELA7R2.d ELA7R2.d  Determines word meanings through the use of definition, example, restatement, or contrast  Element: ELA8R2.a ELA8R2.a  Determines pronunciation, meanings, alternate words choices, parts of speech, or etymologies of words  Element: ELA8R1.g ELA8R1.g  Literary Text: Analyzes and evaluates the effects of sound, form, figurative language

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