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How to Create and Use Wiki. Resources Jordan, Michael. “The Wonderful World of Wikis: Create and Maintain any kind of content, quickly and easily.” Lessons.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Create and Use Wiki. Resources Jordan, Michael. “The Wonderful World of Wikis: Create and Maintain any kind of content, quickly and easily.” Lessons."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Create and Use Wiki

2 Resources Jordan, Michael. “The Wonderful World of Wikis: Create and Maintain any kind of content, quickly and easily.” Lessons. LinuxOnline!. 10 07. 2006 hort/wikis/index.html Matias, Nathan. “What is a Wiki?.” Article. 3 11.2003. SitePoint. 10 07.2006

3 What is a Wiki? A Wiki Is: the simplest online database that could possibly work. a collaborative community website. software that handles complex problems with simple solutions.

4 What’s so Great About Wikis? They: simplify editing your website. record document histories. make creating links and new pages simple. simplify site organization. keep track of all your stuff. are collaborative communities.

5 Wikis Simplify Editing Your Website Each page has an Edit link. Click the link, and the wiki will display a simple editing screen. Make changes. Submit them and your changes show up immediately on the website.

6 Wikis Record Document Histories If you make a mistake, don’t worry. Wiki will save old copies of your pages and will let you revert to an older version of the page. It can also display a comparison which shows you the exact changes you have made over time.

7 Wikis Make Creating Links and New Pages Simple Wikis store all your website’s content in an internal hypertext database. The wiki knows about every page you have and about every link you make. You don’t have to worry about the location of files. Simply name the page, and the wiki will automatically create a link for you.

8 Wikis Simplify Site Organization Wikis work like hypertext databases, you can organize your page however you want. You can also organize your page into categories. Visitors can navigate your site by following a storyline, drilling down through a hierarchy, or they can just browse the natural flow of the internal links.

9 Wikis Keep Track of All Your Stuff Because wiki stores everything in an internal hypertext database, it knows about all your links and all your pages. It’s easy for the wiki to show back links, a list of all the pages linking to the current page. Since the wiki stores your document history, it can also list recent changes.

10 Wikis are Collaborative Communities Wiki allows anyone to click the Edit button and change the website. Remember, the wiki stores the history of each page, so if someone vandalizes the site, it is easy to go reset the page to its former contents. Some wikis restrict access, while others are completely open.

11 Why Should My Site be Collaborative? It encourages many people to create the Website together, which allows for great knowledgebases. Wikis allow writers and editors direct access to the Website and immediate access to each other’s work. It is a great way to get your students to share ideas and brainstorm.

12 Choosing Wiki Software Wiki Wiki Web UseMod Twiki pb wiki (this site is the one we will be working with) wiki?WikiWikiWeb wiki?WikiWikiWeb http://www.usemo bin/ http://www.usemo bin/

13 In the Classroom you can… create a course Web page in seconds let students collaborate using the wiki: they can write essays, share class notes, and have other students critique and even improve their work. see who makes what changes: Grade students for active participation. It makes it easy to build community and you can use passwords to “lock” certain pages against edits.

14 Setting up your pb wiki In 3 simple steps

15 Step One: Registration

16 Step 2: Email Confirmation Hi! Thanks for creating a PeanutButterWiki at You're almost ready to start rolling with your wiki! :) We won't finish actually making your wiki until you log in, so please do that now. Until you log in for the first time, someone else could still take this name. To finish creating your wiki and set your wiki's password, click below: We hope you enjoy PBwiki and please do tell all your friends about it! Cheers, David, Ramit, Nathan & The PBwiki Team PS: If you have questions or comments, we'd love to hear from you. Please post your thoughts on

17 Step 3: Set Up your PBwiki

18 Set up is as easy as 1-2-3



21 Templates are easy to use Just Click and follow directions

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