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Quickly sketch the letter. Can you name all the parts of the letter?

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2 Quickly sketch the letter. Can you name all the parts of the letter?

3 Types of letter Informal letters usually to someone you know. Letters to a friend/family. Cards. (birthday) Invitations. Can be short or long and are usually friendly and use informal words. Formal letters – usually to strangers. Find out information. Complaints letter. Apply for a job/course. Can be short or long and are more precise and to the point. ???????????????????????????

4 Read the following letter and try to answer the following questions: 1. Who is this person? 2. Who is she writing to? 3. Why is she writing? 4. What do you expect the reader to do? 5. What is the topic of each paragraph? 6. What letter is this?

5 25 My Road. My address. MK Saturday 15 th November 2014 The Big Smoke Restaurant. Your Road. Your Address. MK Dear Mr Smith, I am writing regarding the poor service I received at your restaurant, ‘The Big Smoke’, Friday 13 th November 2014. I ordered the firecracker shrimp with chips and coleslaw. I waited painfully for over an hour for my food to arrive. When it did finally arrive, it was stone cold and was swimming in grease. I called over the waiter who was extremely rude to me and refused to take my meal back. In the end I was forced to leave without paying. I am utterly shocked at the way I was treated as a loyal customer of your restaurant; I have been dining there for over 7 years! I think the waiter was new, however, this does not excuse the aggression and rudeness I had to deal with. As manager, I hope that you will compensate me for my distressing experience at your establishment in order for me to return as a paying customer. I would also like your staff to receive training on customer service so that no one is treated the way that I was! I look forward to your speedy response. Regards, Ms Smythe 1. Who is this person? 2. Who is she writing to? 3. Why is she writing? 4. What do you expect the reader to do? 5. What is the topic of each paragraph? 6. What letter is this?

6 Letters of complaint Doctors Poor customer service Overcharged For something Fell over something Problem neighbours Poor work by builder Schools M.P. Bad meal Landlord for repairs Bad holiday Phone company Faulty goods Public transport Who might you write letters of complaint to?

7 Structure of a formal letter – Addresses Your address goes at the top right of the page. The person/company address goes on the left of the page, starting level with bottom of your address. 3 ABC Street Town County Postcode Date Business Name Street Town County Postcode

8 What is capital punishment? What are the advantages of capital punishment? What are the disadvantages of capital punishment?

9 Write a formal letter to the Head of the Houston Prison, America explaining how unfair you feel capital punishment is. INCLUDE: The date of when the letter was written, include paragraphs, adjectives, punctuation, openers, connective etc. Does your letter start with Dear Sir or Madam? Does your letter make sense or are you repeating what you say? How are you currently feeling about your child’s school life? NO INAPPROPRIATE WORDS MUST BE USED! Use your advantages/ disadvantages list to help!

10 Structure of a formal letter – Paragraphs First Paragraph - explain why you are writing the letter (I am writing to you to complain about...) Second Paragraph – describe the issue you have in more detail (when, where and why you bought it; what has happened to it etc.) Third Paragraph – inform the person/company what you have done to solve the issue/problem already (spoken to your child at length about their unenthused response etc.) Fourth Paragraph – Explain what you want to happen next (a meeting with the head etc.) EXT: Use a thesaurus to add as many ambitious, polysyllabic words as you can! Use ‘ing’, ‘ed’ or ‘ly’ sentence starters to vary your writing.


12 Purple Pen Peer Assessment Swap books. Read your learning partner’s work. Mark using two stars and a wish.

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