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The European Union Some slides taken for Europa: Gateway to the European Union THE EUROPEAN UNION.

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Presentation on theme: "The European Union Some slides taken for Europa: Gateway to the European Union THE EUROPEAN UNION."— Presentation transcript:

1 The European Union Some slides taken for Europa: Gateway to the European Union THE EUROPEAN UNION

2 The European Union: 500 million people – 28 countries Member states of the European Union Candidate and potential candidate countries

3 Area (1000 km²) Population (million) Wealth (gross domestic product per person) Bosnia and Herzegovina513.87 300 Montenegro130.610 500 Iceland1000.329 500 Kosovo under UN Security Resolution 1244 112.2: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 252.19 200 Albania273.27 300 Serbia777.38 400 Turkey77073.713 600 The 28 EU countries together 4 29050825 700

4 How has crossing country borders in Europe become easier?

5 The euro – a single currency for Europeans EU countries using the euro (Lithuania from 1 January 2015) EU countries not using the euro Why the euro? No fluctuation risk and foreign exchange cost More choice and stable prices for consumers Closer economic cooperation between EU countries Can be used everywhere in the euro area Coins: one side with national symbols, one side common Notes: no national side

6 The single market: freedom of choice Since 1993:  2.5 million new jobs  prices of phone calls and airfares halved Four freedoms of movement:  goods  services  people  capital © Getty Images

7 Free to move “Schengen”:  No police or customs checks at borders between most EU countries  Controls strengthened at EU external borders  More cooperation between police from different EU countries  You can buy and bring back any goods for personal use when you travel between EU countries © Corbis

8 What does supra mean? In the context of the EU? -”above” or “over” - EU govn’t/laws are above the individual nation’s

9 Define Centripetal & Centrifugal Forces -Centripetal: forces that bring things together - Centrifugal: forces that divide things

10 Who was Robert Schuman & what were his suggestions to Europe?

11 Founding fathers New ideas for lasting peace and prosperity… Konrad Adenauer Robert Schuman Winston Churchill Alcide De Gasperi Jean Monnet

12 Enlargement: from six to 28 countries 19521973 1981 1986 1990 1995 20042007 2013 Eur. Coal & Steel Community EEC: Common Market (‘58) European Union (’93) 12 original members

13 Enlargement: from six to 28 countries 1952197319811986199520042007 2013

14 The EU symbols The European flag The European anthem Europe Day, 9 May The motto: United in Diversity Beethoven’s 9 th Symphony Schuman’s Speech 12 stars = 12 countries in 1993 (EU)

15 Economic Cooperation What are the centripetal & centrifugal Forces?

16 The euro – a single currency for Europeans EU countries using the euro (Lithuania from 1 January 2015) EU countries not using the euro Why the euro? No fluctuation risk and foreign exchange cost More choice and stable prices for consumers Closer economic cooperation between EU countries Can be used everywhere in the euro area Coins: one side with national symbols, one side common Notes: no national side

17 How does the EU spend its money? 2014 EU budget: €142.6 billion = 1.06% of gross national income Global Europe: including development aid 6% Other, administration 6% Smart and inclusive growth: jobs, competitiveness, regional development 45% Security and citizenship, justice 2% Sustainable growth – natural resources: agriculture, environment 42%

18 How many people live in the EU? Population in millions, 2014 507 million in total

19 GDP per inhabitant: the spread of wealth 2013 GDP per inhabitant Index where the average of the 28 EU countries is 100

20 How rich is the EU compared to the rest of the world? Size of economy: 2012 gross domestic product in trillions of euro Wealth per person: 2012 gross domestic product per person EU ChinaJapan RussiaUnited States 25 200 5 800 26 300 12 000 37 100 India 2 600 EU ChinaJapanRussiaUnited States 12.89 5.96 4.32 1.46 11.77 India 1.33

21 Political Cooperation What are the centripetal & centrifugal Forces?

22 Improving health and the environment Pollution knows no borders – joint action needed EU action has helped bring us:  Cleaner bathing water  Much less acid rain  Lead-free petrol  Free and safe disposal of old electronic equipment  Strict rules on food safety from farm to fork  More organic and quality farming  More effective health warnings on cigarettes  Registration and control of all chemicals (REACH) © Van Parys Media

23 Three key players The European Parliament - voice of the people Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament The European Council and the Council - voice of the Member States Donald Tusk, President of the European Council The European Commission - promoting the common interest Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission

24 The European Parliament – voice of the people Number of members elected in each country Decides EU laws and budget together with the Council of Ministers Democratic supervision of all the EU’s work Austria - 18 Belgium - 21 Bulgaria - 17 Croatia - 11 Cyprus - 6 Czech Republic - 21 Denmark - 13 Estonia - 6 Finland - 13 France - 74 Germany - 96 Greece - 21 Hungary - 21 Ireland - 11 Italy - 73 Latvia - 8 Lithuania - 11 Luxembourg - 6 Malta - 6 Total - 751 Netherlands - 26 Poland - 51 Portugal - 21 Romania - 32 Slovakia - 13 Slovenia - 8 Spain - 54 Sweden - 20 United Kingdom - 73

25 Council of Ministers – voice of the member states  One minister from each EU country  Presidency: rotates every six months  Decides EU laws and budget together with Parliament  Manages the Common Foreign and Security Policy

26 Council of Ministers – number of votes per country 345Total: 3Malta 4Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Luxembourg and Slovenia 7Denmark, Ireland, Lithuania, Slovakia and Finland 10Austria, Bulgaria and Sweden 12 Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary and Portugal 13Netherlands 14 Romania 27Spain and Poland 29Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom “Qualified majority” needed for many decisions: 255 votes and a majority of member states (Based on population)

27 The European Commission – promoting the common interest 27 independent members, one from each EU country  Proposes new legislation  Executive organ  Guardian of the treaties  Represents the EU on the international stage

28 The Court of Justice – upholding the law 27 independent judges, one from each EU country  Rules on how to interpret EU law  Ensures EU laws are used in the same way in all EU countries

29 The European Court of Auditors: getting value for your money 27 independent members  Checks that EU funds are used properly  Can audit any person or organization dealing with EU funds

30 Cultural Cooperation What are the centripetal & centrifugal Forces?

31 The EU symbols The European flag The European anthem Europe Day, 9 May The motto: United in Diversity Beethoven’s 9 th Symphony Schuman’s Speech 12 stars = 12 countries in 1993 (EU)

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