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Personal Evangelism Fall, 2015. Last week’s leftovers Christian humble-bragging Should we not praise God? Attitude: drawing attention to self and appending.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Evangelism Fall, 2015. Last week’s leftovers Christian humble-bragging Should we not praise God? Attitude: drawing attention to self and appending."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Evangelism Fall, 2015

2 Last week’s leftovers Christian humble-bragging Should we not praise God? Attitude: drawing attention to self and appending with praise? The blessings doctrine and false expectations Is material wealth a blessing or a burden? More suggestions Offer to pray – be sure to follow up Be involved with what’s happening at church Be involved in a bible study – it’s a nice invitation

3 Our Task Who is/are the person/people you want to talk with about the Lord? Are you setting a good example? Have you shared your faith? Are you ready to ask them questions?

4 Take the next step Ask spiritual questions

5 Some things to keep in mind…. Find areas where you can agree. If you ask a question, have a passage of scripture in mind to answer! How do/does your question(s) fit with the bible study you have in mind?

6 Questions "I'm curious: do you ever think about ___________________?" "Who, in your opinion, is Jesus Christ?" "What's your spiritual background? Were you taught a particular religious perspective as you grew up?" "Do you ever wonder what happens to us when we die?“ “If you died tonight, where would your soul go?”

7 More Questions “Does God exist?” “Why/why not do you think God exists?” “In your opinion, what is a real Christian?" "Do you think most people are going to heaven?“ “Does the Bible contain the word of God?” “Is the Bible inspired?” “Do you trust the Bible?”

8 Still more questions…. "How many times did you eat today?" "How many times did you eat spiritual food?" “Did you know that Christ is coming back?" Quote 2 Thessalonians 1:6- 10. “That verse says that Jesus will take vengeance on them that obey not the gospel of our Lord. The question is, have you obeyed the gospel?" "Do you have to be baptized to be saved?" Write “1 Peter 3:21” on a piece of paper. Hand it to them, "Check this out. I'll catch up with you later."

9 Take the final step Study the Bible

10 Lots of options Published studies that will guide us through what is necessary for salvation Study a book like Mark or John or Acts Come up with your own Bible study – Art Do you have a plan?

11 Study: “Who is Jesus?” 1. Who is Jesus? Hebrews 1:1-3 2. What did He have to say? John 11:25-26 3. What else? John 14:6 4. How do we go through Him? John 20:30-31 5. What’s next? Acts 2:38-39 6. Why baptism? Romans 6:1-7 7. How does it all fit together? Acts 8:26-39 8. Why rejoice? 2 Corinthians 5:17, 21 9. The invitation. Acts 22:16

12 Create a notecard Bible study

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