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“There is no scientific study more vital to man than the study of his own brain. Our entire view of the universe depends on it.” - Francis Crick (co-discoverer.

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Presentation on theme: "“There is no scientific study more vital to man than the study of his own brain. Our entire view of the universe depends on it.” - Francis Crick (co-discoverer."— Presentation transcript:

1 “There is no scientific study more vital to man than the study of his own brain. Our entire view of the universe depends on it.” - Francis Crick (co-discoverer of DNA) BSc. Neuroscience (CK402)

2 What is Neuroscience? Neuroscience is the study of the NERVOUS SYSTEM ie. Brain, spinal cord and all nerves of the body We study it from all aspects – the tiny (eg. DNA/genes)….. ….. to the large (eg. thought, consciousness)

3 Why study Neuroscience? The brain is the most complex living structure in the universe. We each have 100,000,000,000 (ie. 100 billion) nerve cells in our brain. These are called ‘neurons’. They make 100 trillion connections (‘synapses’).

4 Why study Neuroscience? Current knowledge is only the “tip of the iceberg”…. For example, we do not understand the biological basis of visionmotivation emotiondecision-making perceptionmemory We do not know enough about the nervous system to allow us to repair it when it is damaged by injury or disease. The nervous system controls everything we do……. eg. movement, pain, sleep, appetite, memory, vision, hearing, thoughts, intelligence…..

5 Why study Neuroscience? What is consciousness? What do we mean by it? Are animals conscious? What is a mind? What makes us individual? How does our brain create feelings of love, joy, hope and disappointment? Homer You & Me

6 What do Neuroscientists study ? We study the development of the brain, from the embryo, childhood, throughout adolescence, adulthood, and aging.

7 Recent research shows that the ‘reward centre’ of the brain is still being fine- tuned during adolescence, which makes the teenage brain more vulnerable to drugs, alcohol, gambling, risk-taking.... What do Neuroscientists study ?

8 We study brain and nerve injury We study neurodegenerative diseases, which are caused by the death of nerve cells (eg. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease) We study schizophrenia, depression, addiction, epilepsy – as well as current and new treatments for all of these…….. Normal BrainAlzheimer’s Brain The incidence of Brain Diseases is increasing. In 2004, CNS disorders cost ~ €386 billion in the EU alone What do Neuroscientists study ?

9 BSc. Neuroscience - Location Flagship degree program of the Dept. of Anatomy & Neuroscience Established in 1998; first BSc in Neuroscience in Ireland Controlled student numbers; excellent teaching by strongly-active researchers Westen Gateway Building, UCC Biosciences Institute, UCC

10 Anatomy Psychology BiochemistryPhysiology Research Pharmacology BSc. Neuroscience

11 3rd Science modules Human Regional Neuroanatomy Human Embryology & Developmental Biology Neurobiology of Regulatory Systems Human Nervous System Neurobiology of Disease Research Methodology in Neuroscience Pharmacology Library project Biochemistry

12 Neuropharmacology Advanced Research Methodology in Neuroscience Developmental Neurobiology Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience Biochemistry of Brain Disorders Laboratory Research project 4th Science modules Medical Imaging and Biomedical Devices in Neuroscience Advanced Topics in Neuroscience

13 So I have a BSc. in Neuroscience ……now what? Stay In University?! – MSc and/or PhD Research – University, hospital, industry. Medicine – Ideal entry point to Graduate-Entry Medicine Allied Health profession – Physiotherapy, Radiotherapy, Speech therapy, Occupational therapy, Radiography etc Teaching – School, Institutes of Technology, University Pharmaceutical / Biomedical / Biotechnology Industry - Sales & marketing- Clinical Trials - Research Scientific journalism and publishing, websites, blogs etc Advisory / Consultation work (EU, UN, WHO etc). …..and countless other options……!!!

14 Useful Neuroscience Websites (British Neuroscience Association) (International Brain Research Organisation) (Society for Neuroscience) www.

15 BSc. Neuroscience – Further Information

16 Contact details: Professor Aideen Sullivan Director BSc Neuroscience degree Dept. of Anatomy & Neuroscience, Western Gateway Building, University College Cork. Phone: 021 420 5427 Email: “Brain science will be to the 21st century what quantum physics and DNA molecular biology were to the 20th century”

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