Integration of MDGs and SDGs in the curriculum of upcoming Universities in Uganda. Leticia Daniel Mugalu.

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Presentation on theme: "Integration of MDGs and SDGs in the curriculum of upcoming Universities in Uganda. Leticia Daniel Mugalu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integration of MDGs and SDGs in the curriculum of upcoming Universities in Uganda. Leticia Nakimuli( Daniel Mugalu ( ST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY -UGANDA

2 INTRODUCTION There are 38 universities in Uganda. As a result of the liberalization of the economy, private individuals have established universities with different visions, missions and objectives

3 OBJECTIVES OF THE RESEARCH (i) Have the universities included the MDG’s in their curriculum? (ii) Are the students and staff aware of the MDGs and SDGs? (iii) What can be done to incorporate SDGs in the curriculum?.

4 METHODOLOGY 920 Questionnaires were given out to students in five universities:- a. St. Lawrence University b. Muteesa 1Royal University c. Cavendish University d. St. Augustine University e. International University of East Africa 25 staff members were interviewed.

5 FINDINGS 75% of the students were not aware of the MDGs 25% of the students were aware Whereas 68% of the staff were aware of the MDGs 32% of the staff were not aware. MDGs are not internationally included in the curriculum though could be traced in the faculties of humanities.

6 Universities and Milleniumium Development Goals (MDGs) Universities have not achieved their full potential in aiding attainment of MDGs (Robert W. etal 2012). Universities seem to have inactive participation in implementation of MDGs. those doing it they probably do it without intention. Past research revealed there is limited focus on MDGs in the university curriculum content.

7 Causes of failure Having little knowledge with regard to MDGs. Failure of gov’ts and Donors to recognise higher education as they only considered primary universal education in the MDGs. Higher institution governing bodies like NCHEs have not played their role in guiding these institution yet they are the ones approving the curriculums. Limited funds as private universities sole source of funds is tuition (fees).

8 Possible Strategies Possible Strategies What Can be done At policy level?  Need for policy makers like NCHE to compel universities integrate MDGs and SDGs in their curriculum  Governments and Donors should recognize higher institutions in development of MDGs and SDGs.  Higher institutions should be included in government's and donor’s funding priorities in the promotion of MDGs and SGDs programs.

9 Strategies at university level On poverty and hunger; agricultural colleges and universities be encouraged to promote rural agric. development through teaching, research and out reach. About the primary universal education, Higher education can contribute through researching in problems affecting its success and also ensuring more teachers are trained. Private universities should mainstream gender in all their teachings,research and outreach programs. Courses like public health,nursing and midwifery should be encouraged to reduce child mortality rate.

10 continuation...  On improving maternal health, Courses like public health, nursing and midwifery should be encouraged to reduce child mortality rate.  On combating communicable diseases like HIV-AIDS research can be promoted and also integrate HIV-AIDS related issues in the curriculum.  About promoting sustainable environment, private institutions need to train teachers who are sensitized for promoting sustainable development.

11 Continuation…. On global partnership for development, universities should establish collaboration with international donors and funding agencies. Since university education is intrinsic to all new goals.

12 To what extent are MDGs a subject of concern for higher education Since MDGs have to do with human and social development they should de facto be a concern of higher education. MDG’s form a direct part of the higher education enterprise. Globally, all universities could align individual MDGs to existing discipline, resources and capacity.

13 Sustaining the MDGs beyond 2015 MDGs are mirrors of the already failed global resolutions; Although many countries were unable to realize MDGs, a new 2030 Agenda for sustainable development was adopted with 17 Goals last month in New York. These SDGs are an ambitious dream, the new global goals, and the sustainability agenda, go much further than the MDGs.

14 In the post-2015 era significant progress can only be made towards the realization of SDGs with the commitment of both government and private sector, private universities inclusive.

15 Thank you for listening

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