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"By learning you will teach, by teaching you will learn." - Latin Proverb.

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Presentation on theme: ""By learning you will teach, by teaching you will learn." - Latin Proverb."— Presentation transcript:

1 "By learning you will teach, by teaching you will learn." - Latin Proverb

2 Teaching a Class Project  Its about Greece  Its about you using your awesome talent to speak in front of a friendly class  Its about exploring Greece in a depth you haven’t before  Its about writing a test and seeing if you want to be a teacher in your future

3 Research Project & Presentation Stankiewicz World Studies

4 Essential Questions  What are my responsibilities for this assignment?  What topic do I have to cover?  What type of presentation do I have to give?  How do I give my presentation?  How will I be assessed?  How will I research my topic?

5 Tasking  Your assignment is to teach a twenty to thirty minute class on a topic related to Ancient Greece  You will have a partner (1-2) to do this presentation  The presentation will a Power Point product and be presented to the class

6 Tasking (Continued) - 2  You will research your topic using the following sources: –Textbook –Internet –Primary Sources found in the Library website –Books and periodicals –You will properly cite all sources on your last presentation page

7 Tasking (Continued) -3  You will present a finished hardcopy of your slide to teacher  You will self score the written presentation using the handout provided  Hard copy of Power Point Presentation itself is worth 100 points  Oral Presentation is also worth 100 points

8 Tasking (Continued) -4  Your presentation will contain essential questions for the students to learn  Your presentation will cover the essential questions  You will answer questions from the audience and clarify as needed  Oral presentation is much more than reading the slides

9 Tasking (Continued) -5  You will provide three (3) thought- provoking questions that will be used on a future exam  Two will be multiple choice questions  One will be an essay question  You have an option of providing notes to the other students

10 Tasking (Continued) -6  You will be assessed on: –Facts presented and accuracy –Whether you covered the topic sufficiently –Essential Questions provided –Questions for class assessment –Oral presentation  Voice, confidence, tone, (all the things you have been assessed previously in speaking)  Equality of presentation

11 Tentative Library Schedule: (  To be determined

12 Guidance  Must follow handout  Must self evaluate  Must be accompanied by hard copy of slides

13 Topics  Greek Geography  Greek City States –Sparta, Athens, etc  Democracy in Greece  Art in Greece  Alexander the Great  Trojan War –Truth and Myth  Greek Philosophers –Socrates, Plato  Greek Philosophers (2) –Aristotle, Archimedes  Peloponnesian War –Greece vs. Sparta  Greece vs. Persia  Greek Gods and Goddesses (2)  Homer- Iliad and Odyssey

14 Note  You will have regular classes during this time when you are not in the library

15 The Presentation  You and teammates are the educators  You have vital information to share  Your task is important

16 Your Performance - 1  You know how to do this  You’ve done it before  You are building on your previous success

17 Your Performance - 2  Things to remember –Research well –Support your slides with more information –Speak clearly –at normal rate  Practice

18 Your Performance - 3  Pitfalls  Things that will distract from your presentation  Reading the slides only –Add interesting supplements to slides  Distracting mannerisms –Ping pong, etc  Away from the white board

19 Your Audience  Every person in your audience is important  Make eye contact  Speak to them like a conversation  When it is assessment question time give the audience time to respond

20 The Audience  Part of total assessment is to be a good audience  Quiet, supportive, helpful  Cooperate and graduate

21 Title of Presentation Your Names World Studies (Class)

22 Attention Step Slide  Related quote or fact that gets the students interested in your topic  Quote should be from someone with credibility on the subject  Explain who made the quote and why they are credible

23 Essential Questions  How did ……….  What are ……….  Who did ………..  Why did ……….  When did …………….  What was the result of …………….

24 Slide Title  This is the basic slide for facts –Can be found in Text and/or Content Layouts  Many of your slides use this format  Be careful not to put too much information on each slide  A cramped slide is ineffective

25 Slide Title  The format you use for information with a picture or map

26 Assessment Question (example)  What is the Capital of Maine? a)Boston b)Hartford c) Scarborough d) Augusta Multiple choice question

27 Assessment Question (example)  What were the political reasons as to why the ancient Athenians and Spartans engaged in so many wars? Essay Example

28 Assessment Question Answers  Have a slide with answers to the assessment questions you constructed

29 Summary Slide  Summarize your presentation on one or more slides  No new information  Reinforcement Quote

30 References Consulted  Use proper format

31 Important Information  All presentations are constructed on SHS computers. Presentations will be put on your school hard drive and accessed from SHS computer in classroom or other facility.  There is to be no information imported from another computer, disk, thumb drive, emailed, etc as they can corrupt the system.

32 Final Word  Practice  Relax  Don’t worry  You can do it  Don’t worry

33 Summary of Lesson  Tasking – You teach a class  How to teach the class  Procedures  Handout  Choose topics

34 To teach is to learn twice. ~Joseph Joubert, Pensées, 1842

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