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Foundations of Government What would your life be like without government?

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Presentation on theme: "Foundations of Government What would your life be like without government?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundations of Government What would your life be like without government?

2 Government Defined Institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies. 3 Branches of Government: –Legislative power: to make laws –Executive power: to enforce laws –Judicial power: to interpret laws

3 Types of Government Dictatorship: ultimate power is held by one individual Democracy: power comes from a majority of the people. There are more than 190 countries in the world today. Each government is unique to that country.


5 President Barack Obama


7 Vice President Joe Bidon

8 Classifying Governments The three criteria are: –Who can participate in the governing process? –Geographic distribution of power within the country. –Relationship between the legislative and executive branches of government.

9 What Makes a State? A body of people, living a defined territory, organized politically (with a government) and with the power to make and enforce law. Characteristics of a state: –Population: people –Territory: land –Sovereignty: independence, right to rule –Government: political organization

10 Federalism/Federal Government Powers of the government are divided between a central government AND several local governments. Example: –Washington D.C. –State of Minnesota –City of St. Paul


12 Senator Al Franken


14 Senator Amy Klobuchar

15 Purpose(s) of Government Form a More Perfect Union-strengthen and improve the nation Establish Justice-ensure that the system of laws is equitable, reasonable and just. Insure Domestic Tranquility-keep the peace at “home”

16 Purpose(s) of Government Provide for the Common Defense- defending the U.S. against foreign enemies. Promote the General Welfare-support the well-being, prosperity and happiness of all people. Secure the Blessings of Liberty -to make sure everyone is safe and to supply protection for all.

17 How did the U.S. Government Begin? U.S. was once a colony of Britain 13 original colonies Colonists were upset over the taxes they had to pay to the British. Colonists sent delegates to the First and Second Continental Congress. Second Continental Congress became the first government of the U.S.

18 A Declaration The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776 Independence from Britain Articles of Confederation: first attempt at a governing document.


20 George Washington


22 Benjamin Franklin

23 A Stronger Government Articles of Confederation were very weak. Meetings were held in Philadelphia to create a Constitution –Benjamin Franklin and George Washington were part of this group Virginia Plan: House of Representatives based on population of each state New Jersey Plan: Senate based on an equal number of representatives.

24 The Constitution Becomes Law Ratify: to accept Delaware becomes the first state The constitution is ratified by all the states on June 21, 1788. George Washington becomes the first president of the U.S. in 1789.


26 Governor Mark Dayton


28 St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman

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