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Evolution of Populations

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1 Evolution of Populations
Genetic variation= wide range of phenotypes Why is variation in a population beneficial? Genetic variation in a population increases the chance that some individuals will survive Gene pool- all genes, including different alleles, that are present in a population Allele frequency- # of times that the allele occurs in a gene pool, compared to other alleles for same gene Expressed as % Nothing to do with allele being recessive or dominant What are the main sources of genetic variation in a population? Mutations and gene shuffling from sexual reproduction

2 Sources of Genetic Variation
Main sources of genetic variation= mutations and genetic shuffling from sexual reproduction Mutations- any change in sequence of DNA May affect organism’s fitness or ability to survive and reproduce May have no effect on fitness Gene shuffling- occurs during production of gametes Crossing over Sexual reproduction- major source of variation within many populations

3 Natural Selection in Populations
Natural selection acts on distributions of traits Traits not undergoing natural selection have normal distribution Natural selection can change the distribution of a trait in one of three ways Microevolution- evolution within a population Observable change in allele frequencies Can result from natural evolution

4 Natural Selection in Populations
Natural selection can take one of three paths Directional selection- individuals at one end of curve have higher fitness than individuals in the middle or at end

5 Natural Selection in Populations
Stabilizing selection- takes place when individuals near the center of curve have higher fitness than individuals at either end

6 Natural Selection in Populations
Disruptive selection- individuals at the upper and lower ends of the curve have higher fitness than individuals near middle

7 Other Mechanisms of Evolution
Natural selection- not only source of evolutionary change Gene flow- movement of alleles between populations Individuals join new populations and reproduce Keeps neighboring populations similar Low gene flow increases chance that two populations evolve into different species

8 Other Mechanisms of Evolution
Genetic drift is a change in allele frequencies due to chance Causes a loss of genetic diversity Most common in small populations How do populations become small enough for genetic drift to occur? Bottleneck effect- an event greatly reduces the size of a population- overhunting Founder effect- small number of individuals colonize a new area- Old Order Amish community

9 Other Mechanisms of Evolution

10 Other Mechanisms of Evolution
Sexual selection occurs when certain traits increase mating success Why does it happen? Due to higher cost of reproduction for females Females are more limited in potential offspring each cycle- they want a good return Two types of sexual selection Intrasexual selection: competition among males Intersexual selection: males display certain traits to female

11 Evolution Versus Genetic Equilibrium
Hardy-Weinberg principle- allele frequencies in a pop will remain constant unless one or more factors cause those frequencies to change Genetic equilibrium- allele frequencies remain constant Conditions required to maintain genetic equilibrium Random mating: no sexual selection Population must be large: no genetic drift No movement into or out of population: no gene flow No mutations: no new allele added to gene pool No natural selection: all traits aid equally in survival Real populations rarely meet all five conditions

12 Speciation Through Isolation
Speciation- formation of new species What must happen for a species to evolve into two new species? Gene pools of two populations must become separated Reproductive isolation- members of two pop cannot interbreed and produce fertile offspring Behavioral isolation Geographic isolation Temporal isolation

13 Temporal isolation- two or more species reproduce at different times
Behavioral isolation- two populations have differences in courtship rituals or other reproductive strategies that involve behavior Eastern and western meadowlarks Geographic isolation- two pops are separated by geographic barriers, like rivers, mountains, bodies of water Abert and Kaibab squirrel Do not guarantee formation of new species May separate some organisms but not others Temporal isolation- two or more species reproduce at different times Orchids in rain forest

14 Patterns in Evolution Evolution through natural selection is not random It can have direction, results cumulative Different species often must adapt to similar environments Convergent evolution- evolution toward similar characteristics in unrelated species Divergent evolution- closely related species evolve in different directions, become increasingly different

15 Patterns in Evolution Species can shape each other over time
Coevolution- two or more species can evolve together Species evolve in response to changes in each other

16 Patterns in Evolution Species can become extinct
Extinction- the elimination of a species from Earth Background Extinction Caused by local changes in environment Mass extinction More rare but more intense At least five mass extinctions in last 600 million years

17 Patterns in Evolution Speciation often occurs in patterns
Punctuated equilibrium- episodes of speciation occur suddenly in geologic time Followed by long periods of little evolutionary change Adaptive radiation- many species evolve from one species Ancestral species diversify many descendent species Usually adapted to wide range of environment

18 Why is understanding evolution important?
Drug resistance in bacteria and viruses Pesticide resistance in insects Evolutionary theory helps us understand and respond to these changes in ways that improve human life

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