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100 200 300 400 500 Marriage/ Divorce FamiliesEducationWorkNature/ Nurture.

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2 100 200 300 400 500 Marriage/ Divorce FamiliesEducationWorkNature/ Nurture

3  Social scientists have observed an increasing trend in the number of people who do this before getting married.

4  This type of marriage typically involves two young, middle-class, college educated individuals who get who often have unrealistic expectations about marriage and end up getting divorced quickly.

5  For children of a divorce, this is the #1 factor that determines how child will cope.

6  These are the “4 horseman” (predictors of divorce) according to Godman (Lust, Lust, and Marriage).

7  These are FOUR factors that have contributed to an increase in divorce rates in the last 50 years (name any four).

8  Now, more than ever before, more people are making this family-related choice.

9  Contrary to popular belief, recent studies mentioned in the Working Mothers article showed that their have been no conclusive studies on this topic.

10  For children of divorce, this is the #1 factor that determines how the child will cope.

11  This percent of remarriages end in divorce.

12  These are the three different theories explaining how families should ascribe gender roles and share responsibility.

13  This sex receives more negative and positive attention in the classroom.

14  This piece of legislation required schools to have equal funding for both girls and boys programs.

15  This gender gets more post-graduate degrees.

16  These are two reasons why same-sex education is a bad idea for students.

17  These are three reasons why same-sex classrooms are a good idea for students,

18  Women make approximately this much for every dollar men make.

19  This piece of legislation pay discrimination based on gender illegal.

20  According to the movie Raising Cain, 80% of girls want to have THIS career and 80% of boys want to have THIS career (must answer both parts of the question!)

21  According to the book Women and Men at Work, women’s work is undervalued for THIS reason.

22  These are three of the reasons that women make less than men.

23  Boys and girls start to show sex differences in the classes/subjects they pursue in this grade.

24  This chemical in the brain is best known for the role it plays in female reproduction and bonding.

25  Biologically speaking, women are better than men at this because their brains are better connected.

26  This girls who are classified with this condition take on boy traits because they are exposed to too much testosterone in the womb.

27  DAILY DOUBLE!!!!  Biologically speaking, this is why men are better at tasks that require manipulation of objects in space and navigation.

28  This is the name of the CEO who worked with Ebay, Disney, and several other notable companies over the past 25 years.

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