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 In the University of Helsinki  A multidisciplinary approach to intercultural issues  Four major subjects: Comparative Religion, Social Psychology,

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2  In the University of Helsinki  A multidisciplinary approach to intercultural issues  Four major subjects: Comparative Religion, Social Psychology, Speech Communication and Latin American Studies

3  Sharing knowledge about the strategies to facilitate the return of the trainees into their home culture (re- entry).

4  Put yourself into trainee’s shoes and imagine the re-entry (feelings, experiences, emotions)  What kind of difficulties/problems/situations can the trainee encounter when coming back home -> use your own experiences or the ones you have learned from a trainee

5  Enthusiastic about the internship, wants to tell everyone about his/her experiences but no one is interested to listen  Frustrated and sad because the internship didn’t go as planned  Confused and lost with all the knowledge that the trainee has learned

6 - Trainee expects to get a good, well-paid job quickly - Trainee doesn’t expect difficulties when coming home

7 - Workers (at university/polytechnics) don't expect problems when they meet a trainee who is coming back home - Home culture doesn't expect them to act differently - A change in the worldview of the trainee

8  Encourage and Support  How would you support the trainee in a difficult situation?  How to encourage a lost trainee?  Etc…

9  The Expectation Setting Tool Interviewing the trainees before they leave the country and after their return.  Advising the trainee to keep an eye on the work field in the home country through internet (Butcher, 2002).

10  Suggesting the trainees to keep alive social and school networks in their home country while they are abroad (Boyer, 1989).  Web page as a support group -> name, contact info, work place and job descrpition; writing a blog or diary entry 1 month after the re-entry

11  Blair, S. L., & Qian, Z. (1998). Family and Asian students’ educational performance:  Boyer, S. P., & Sedlacek, W. E. (1989). Noncognitive predictors of counseling  center use by international students. Journal of Counseling and Development,  67(7), 404-407.

12  Butcher, A. (in press). No place like home? The re-entry of international students from East Asia into their countries of origin. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,Massey University, New Zealand.

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