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Regents Review: Revolutions BUZZ WORDS! Definition: Causes:

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Presentation on theme: "Regents Review: Revolutions BUZZ WORDS! Definition: Causes:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regents Review: Revolutions BUZZ WORDS! Definition: Causes:

2 Scientific Buzz Words: Reason, Sci Method, Galileo, rejection of tradition, anti-Church, Enlightenment

3 Neolithic Buzz Words: farming, civilizations, settlements, change from nomadic living

4 Industrial Buzz Words: enclosure, mass production, market, efficiency, Great Britain, land, labor, capital, urbanization, Dickens, capitalism, laissez faire, supply/demand, private ownership, Adam Smith

5 Meiji Buzz Words: industrialization, modernization, westernization, no more feudalism

6 Glorious Revolution Buzz Words: limited (constitutional) monarchy, English Bill of Rights, William & Mary, Magna Carta PARLIAMENT HOUSE OF LORDS HOUSE OF COMMONS

7 Iranian Buzz Words: Islamic Fundamentalism, sharia, traditional, theocracy, Khomeini, overthrow of Shah Shah Pahlavi Khomeini

8 China Buzz Words: Mao ZeDong, Long March, Cultural Revolution, Little Red Book, Great Leap Forward, communism, Marxism, collectivization (communes), Red Guards, no incentive, shortages

9 Cuban Buzz Words: Castro, communism, Marxism, government c0ntrol, public ownership, overthrow of Batista

10 French Buzz Words: 3 rd Estate, taxes, nationalism, absolutism, Declaration of the Rights of Man, Reign of Terror, Robespierre, Bastille, Napoleon, Enlight

11 Bolshevik (Russian) Buzz Words: Lenin, Peace, Land, Bread, communism, Marxism, New Economic Policy, WWI, poverty, overthrow Czar, collectivization, Five Year Plan, Purges

12 Latin America Buzz Words: Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, Miguel Hidalgo, Toussaint L’Ouverture, independence leaders, sovereignty, natural rights, inspired by Enlight “I will never allow my hands to be idle or my soul to rest, until I have broken the chains laid upon us by Spain!” ~ Simon Bolivar, 1815

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