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Prepared by Mr. Shoup.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by Mr. Shoup."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by Mr. Shoup

2 Date Rape Drugs Named Club Drugs because they tend to be used at dance clubs, concerts, raves and parties.

3 ROHYPNOL Row-Hip-Nole
DEPRESSANT DRUG Hoffmann-LARoche Company Official Name: Flunitrazepam Rohypnol is prescribed in Europe and other foreign countries as a sleeping pill and to relax patients before surgery.

4 SLANG NAMES Roofies Rophies Forget Me Pill Roachies R2 Mexican Valium
Trip & Fall Mind Erasers

5 HOW TAKEN? Orally Pill Olive Green in color 542 or White tablet-ROCHE
Rohypnol tablets are scored on one side, with the word "ROCHE" and an encircled one or two (depending on the dosage) on the other. Usually taken in a drink-Mixed with alcohol

6 Rohypnol Tablet

7 SHORT TERM EFFECTS Loss of Memory Effects 15-30 min
Dizziness Last 6-8 hours Nausea-upset-vomiting Impaired Judgment Confusion Headaches Sensitivity to sounds and light Slurred Speech Blurred Vision May cause diarrhea Leaves body within hours

8 Long Term Effects Death Coma Seizures
Respiratory Failure-Stop Breathing Heart Attack Hallucinations

9 Medical Use NONE in United States
Europe & S. America-Sleeping Pill 1970s Schedule 1 drug in Feb. 2000 Surgery to make sleepy Insomnia-can not fall asleep

10 GHB Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid
Depressant with an anesthetic affect Colorless, Odorless, Bitter, Salty Tasting Drug Includes Industrial Chemicals Body Builders in the s. Banned in US Nov. 1990

11 How taken? Orally by: Liquid Powder-white in color
Usually mixed with Water, Alcohol or Mouth Wash Eliminated by the liver and Respiration Drug leaves body within 4-6 hours after taken Urine test with 12 hours or drug may be gone from body.

12 GHB

13 Slang Names G Georgia Home Boy Grievous Bodily Harm Liquid X Easy Lay
GBH Scoop Salty Water

14 Short Term Effects Effects Start in: 15-30 minutes
Effects last-4-8 hours hours gone from body Gag Reflex-Vomiting Decrease blood pressure Decrease Heart Rate Dizziness Drowsiness Decrease judgment Causes Confusion Headaches Slurred Speech Blurred Vision

15 Long Term Effects Death Heart or Breathing Stop Coma Violent Behavior
Seizures Autopsy-No drug use will show up after 27 hours in the body tissue at all. Urine 12 hours

16 Medical Use Pretty much NONE Limited-Narcolepsy-drug name Xyrem
Italy to treat Alcoholism

17 Ketamine Ketamine Hydrochloride Animal Tranquilizer Anesthetic Affect
Dulls sense of pain-so can not feel pain

18 Slang Names K Special K Vitamin K Cat Valium Ket

19 How Taken? Orally: Pill Powder Liquid Injected Smoked

20 Short Term Effects Acts like a Hallucinogen Drug-Mimics LSD
Memory Loss Distorted Senses Numbness feeling Vomiting Heart Rate/Blood Pressure go up and then down Flashback

21 Long Term Effects Hallucinations:
K-Land-paranoid behavior, cross over of senses. K-Hole-Near Death Feelings, Body Detachment feelings Flashbacks Coma Death-stroke or heart attack Memory Loss Depression

22 Summary to Effects

23 Medical Use Animal Tranquilizer Human use rare-to none
Vietnam War-anesthetic-pain killers.

24 Ecstasy-Club Drug-Not a date rape drug
Ecstasy is a hallucinogenic amphetamine belonging to the MDA family, of which there are over 1000 compounds.  Its full name is methylenedioxmethamphetamine.  It was first synthesized by two German chemists in 1910.  Its effects were discovered in the 1950’s by American researcher, Gordon Alles. 103 years old drug June

25 Ecstasy 3,4 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
MDMA Synthetic Drug-man made- Sassafras Tree Stimulant/Hallucinogen-Designer Drug Effects brain chemicals Serotonin Norepinephrine and Dopamine

26 MDMA acts by increasing the activity of three neurotransmitters, serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. The emotional and pro-social effects of MDMA are likely caused directly or indirectly by the release of large amounts of serotonin, which influences mood (as well as other functions such as appetite and sleep). Serotonin also triggers the release of the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin, which play important roles in love, trust, sexual arousal, and other social experiences. This may account for the characteristic feelings of emotional closeness and empathy produced by the drug; studies in both rats and humans have shown that MDMA raises the levels of these hormones.

27 Slang Names Adam Beans Disco Biscuits Hug Drug X E Ecstasy XTC
Lover’s Speed Clarity Molly

28 How Taken? Orally: Pill-swallow or put on tongue until dissolves
Mixed in a drink Snorted-crushed and snorted Smoked Injected

29 Colors and Looks for Ecstasy

30 Colors and Looks for Ecstasy

31 Colors and Looks for Ecstasy
                                                                              Colors and Looks for Ecstasy

32 Short Term Effects: Dehydration-loss of water-Thirst
Increase perspiration Loss 1pint per hour Increase energy level Increase Body Temperature degrees-leads to liver, heart, kidney damage Hyperthermia-occurs when a person's body temperature rises and remains above the normal; 98.6°F Heat Stroke Sweat and Chills Vomiting Increase heart rate 200xs Increase Blood pressure 230/130 Normal blood pressure for a human 120/80 Dizziness Teeth Grinding Muscle Tensions Decrease memory Loss of Appetite Nausea Paranoid behavior Blurred vision Decrease judgment Injection-Hepatitis-B & C and AIDS

33 Ecstasy Effects of MDMA on the Brain
MDMA appears to have several effects on the brain. MDMA can: cause the release of the neurotransmitter called serotonin. block the re-uptake of serotonin by the synaptic terminal that releases it. deplete the amount of serotonin in the brain. Normal Synapse Effect of MDMA

34 Long Term Effects Damage to neurons-mood, thinking, judgment
Loss of memory Brain Damage from toxins Heart Damage Liver Damage Kidney Damage Convulsions Seizures Coma Death Hallucinations Blocks the up take of serotonin Strong cravings

35 Medical Use NONE Up to 12 months in jail Probation 4-7 years

36 Added information Flashback- reoccurrence of the drug effects days, weeks, months, years later without taking the drug again. Fat soluble Club drugs or rave drugs Help: Hotline

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