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EXAMINATION OF THE PHYSICAL CAPASITY. Graphic determination of physical capacity with the help of test PWC 170 CFC, Wt/min. 170 f-2 f-1 W-1 W-2 PWC-170.

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Presentation on theme: "EXAMINATION OF THE PHYSICAL CAPASITY. Graphic determination of physical capacity with the help of test PWC 170 CFC, Wt/min. 170 f-2 f-1 W-1 W-2 PWC-170."— Presentation transcript:


2 Graphic determination of physical capacity with the help of test PWC 170 CFC, Wt/min. 170 f-2 f-1 W-1 W-2 PWC-170 Power of loading (kg m/min., Wt) Using mathematic method РWC 170 determinate by the way of substitution of CFC per 1 min (f 1 та f 2 ) and power of first (W 1 ) and second (W 2 ) loading to formula ( V. Carpman and others - 1974) (170-f 1 ) PWC 170 = W 1 + (W 2 – W 1 ) x f 2 -f 1

3 Quantitative dosage of physical loading : 1.For relative power 2.For metabolic indexes 3.For CFC 4.Empiric method 5.For quantity of physical exercises repeating

4 Dosage of physical loading : 1. For intensive 2. For volume of executing work 3.According to time of trainings 4. For interval between classes 5. According to character of rest between classes.

5 Medical groups for Physical culture classes Medical group Criterion of appointmentPhysical loadings Health condition Physical development Functional possibility BasicPractically healthy or with non significant deviations in health condition According to age and sex Go in for according programs, asserted for educational establishments. Attend sports sections. Take part in competitions

6 PreparatoryPractically healthy Or with non significant deviations in health condition Lowering Go in for the same programs. Attend additional classes. Take norm standards in more late terms SpecialDeviations in health condition may be constant or temporary. They request of physical loading limitation for persons which are admitted to conducting of educational and production activity Lowering Go in for according to special programs. They are free from taking some norm standards

7 External signs of tiredness: Signs of tirednessTiredness level Non significantSignificant (average ) Harsh (high ) Skin’s colourNon significant redness Significant redness Sharp redness,pale, cyanosis SweatnessNot highHighVery high RespirationAccelerating, regular Very acceleratingSharply accelerating, external, breathing over mouth, short breath Coordination of movements Cheerful goingUnbalanced going,body’s reeling Sharp reeling of the body, disorders of movement’s coordination Attention Faultless conducting of directions Inaccuracy in conducting of directions Inhibition in executing of commands (are conducted only loud commands ) General stateComplaints are absent Complaints on tiredness, pain in feet, palpitation,short of breath Complaints on tiredness, pain in feet, palpitation, short of breath, headache,dizziness

8 Physiological curves of training classes, which show different degrees of actioon on an organism and chart of the class building: 1-non significant influence ; 2-significant influence ; 3-very sharp start of class; 4-absence of necessary final part of class.

9 ДОЗУВАННЯ ФІЗИЧНОГО НАВАНТАЖЕННЯ Dosage of physical loading Health condition Individuals which go in for physical culture or sportsman Acyclic physical Physical development exercises Functional possibilities Aerobic physical exercises Determination of indications and contraindications to classes Choice of necessary forms of physical training Anaerobic Physical exercises Cyclic exercises

10 Dosage of physical loading For energy expences For power For metabolic indexes For heart contractions frequency For number of repeating For general condition Recommendation for persons, which go in for physical culture or sportsmen

11 Medical groups for classes from physical culture among persons of average and elderly age Name of group Medical reference of groupRecommended kind of classes 123 ІPersons of average and elderly age which haven’t deviations in the health condition and sufficient physical preparation Classes in groups GPP “Health ” for special programs, taking part in competitions according to age ІІPersons of average and elderly age with non significant deviations in health condition on the background og age changing but without significant functional disorders Classes in groups GPP “ Health” for special programs for age groups ІІІPersons of average and elderly age with deviations in the heath condition which have constant or temporary character, on the background of age changing together with functional disorders, without sufficient preparation Classes of TE by methods, which working for patients with different diseases.

12 Reduction of muscles force Reduction of body massDisorders of movements coordination Decreasing of ATP synthesis and disconnection of oxidizing and phophorylation process Reduction of muscles massDecreasing of muscles proprioceptive sense Decreasing of energy expences Decreaing of muscles metabolism Decreasing of impulses from proprio- receptors Hypokinesia Decreasing of vessels tone Disorders of calcium and phosphor metabolism Disorders of variety of impulses ї Reduction of myocard mass Rising of calcium excretion with urine Disorders of trophic function of nervous system Untraining of cardiovascular system Decreasing of bones strength Decreasing of reactivity, astenic condition Hypokinesia and its consequences (E. Коvalenko and Н. Gurovsky, 1980)

13 Moving help to nutrition, Good blood moving, Prevent diseases. Hua – To Diseases Specific of clinical current Pathogenesis Mechanism of curative action of physical exercises Task of TE Specific of methods Forms of TETask of the TE Means of calculation of TE effectiveness Chart of doctor’s logic thinking at appointment of TE.


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