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RUSTIC MANOR PRIMARY AT OUR SPECIAL ASSEMBLY: An introductory talk was delivered by our water explorer team leader. 2 weeks prior to our water festival.

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3 RUSTIC MANOR PRIMARY AT OUR SPECIAL ASSEMBLY: An introductory talk was delivered by our water explorer team leader. 2 weeks prior to our water festival we held an essay competition, winners read out their essays. The school choir sang a song that highlighted the plight of people in future generations if we did not save water now. Parade of mascots: grade 3 learners wore bibs with water saving slogans on them, this they read aloud. The letter written in the year 2070 allowed the audience to envision and reflect on what life would be like if we did not save our precious resource, water. An entertaining rap was done by the grade 6 learners. ON THE GROUND: Community fun walk and stalls selling goods made from recycled materials. Sale of water festival t-shirts, mendhi face painting and a jumping castle. Since it was a festival we decided the learners should have some fun as well. 800 750 50

4 Planning and preparing for the festival was the most exciting part, The learners had a lot of fun making items from waste materials. The water droplets on fabric was also interesting because we continually came up with new ideas as we designed it. Our water festival activity booklet took many hours of hard work. It contained the water cycle, interesting colouring in, a water conservation maze, water facts, water word scramble, secret code and a water word search.. We were very fortunate that our principal allowed us 3 hours for the festival.. Meeting on weekends and after school proved to be really exciting as we brainstormed a lot of ideas,. We had to make frantic calls to the company that was sponsoring our t-shirts, finally it was delivered on the day before the festival.

5 The assembly was very powerful since it carried important messages to impressionable minds (our learners) as well as the staff and community. Parents were encouraged to make pledges at the festival, we collected approximately 50 pledges on that day. Learners made pledges that they wrote within their handprint. The community fun walk brought about the importance of water in our everyday activities.. Our t-shirts carried the logo Every drop counts, reduce your use. And the word water festival. Long after the festival is over people will read the logo and question what the water festival was about. We sold 100 t-shirts. A letter written in the year 2070 clearly brought home the effects on people should there be no water. Water would become more precious than gold and diamond. Our children will pay a hefty price for our not heeding the call to save water.

6 Describe briefly how you plan to use your prize money
We are fortunate to have received a jojo tank which was won in the SEEP competition last year. We intend using some of the money to install the tank and buy a pump for it. We would like to extend our school’s community garden.

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