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Presentation on theme: "CONCEPTS OF DEMOCRACY [FIVE] Assignment #6."— Presentation transcript:


2 Warm-up: Review What is the main idea behind a democracy?
Why do you think many people prefer to live in a democracy over other forms of government? Compare with one specific form of government we learned yesterday. Do we live in a direct or indirect democracy? Explain. Define: Concept

3 Indirect/Representative Democracy
Types of democracies Direct Citizens vote directly on all decisions that concern them like laws, taxes, etc. Indirect/Representative Democracy Citizens elect officials to make decisions on laws, taxes, etc. Also called a Republic

4 Fundamental Worth of the Individual

5 Equality of all persons

6 Majority Rule and Minority Rights

7 Necessity of Compromise

8 Individual Freedom

9 Activity Using pg in the textbook, create a ‘Tree Map’ for each Concept of Democracy with your partner. Include the following: Definition/Explanation Image Describe an example from your experience/ knowledge where you either have or have not seen this ‘concept’ in action. EX: ‘Individual Freedom’ – After the attacks on 9-11 many middle-easterners individual freedom was not honored as people feared them, they were singled out at airports and racially profiled.


11 CHOOSE: Presenter #1: Definition/Explanation Presenter #2: Example
Artist: Draw under your branch on the board (Don’t use only yellow!)

12 Wrap-up: Which concept of democracy do you feel is the most important to you? Explain why. Which concept of democracy do you feel is the most important to society? Explain why. Do you feel as though you have seen these concepts in action throughout your life before studying them in this class? Explain. State any contradictions you see between the 5 concepts of democracies and Jefferson’s ideas of freedom and liberty.

13 Warm-up: The Flow Map Create a flow map of your own life, starting with Kindergarten up to the present.

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