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Voice Checklist An Investment in Quality  4 Ps : PitchPace PausesPunch (Emphasis)  EN (Energy and Enthusiasm)  Tone (‘Attitude’ in your voice)  Flow.

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Presentation on theme: "Voice Checklist An Investment in Quality  4 Ps : PitchPace PausesPunch (Emphasis)  EN (Energy and Enthusiasm)  Tone (‘Attitude’ in your voice)  Flow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Voice Checklist An Investment in Quality  4 Ps : PitchPace PausesPunch (Emphasis)  EN (Energy and Enthusiasm)  Tone (‘Attitude’ in your voice)  Flow (Deep Breathing)  Resonance (Tuning through deep breathing)  Rhythm  Clarity  Volume (Appropriate Variation)  Diction Kaizen

2 SPLIs for Flow!  Running Commentary  News Reading  Recall (Pause Practice)  Reading Riyaz, using Voice Checklist !  Paint a Word Portrait  Om Chanting  Dictionary Riyaz!  Taped or Mirror feedback

3  Daily A-U-M Meditation For males in the group: It’s not about the girl, it’s about the pose.

4  A-UU-M Your Natural Pitch High (Head) Low (Chest) Inflection Gliding of Pitch, Tone, etc. Buddham Sharanam Gachchami Dhammam Sharanam Gachchami Sangham Sharanam Gachchami Voice

5 Invest in yourself... IInvest 3 per cent of your income back in yourself in the form of continuous learning. - Brian Tracy

6 Break for Questions and Self-Evaluation and SPLIs DMS Recap & Check understdg of Actn Triggers. Ask if any doubts, Qns POB. Host can do this?

7 Mental Electricity!  Brain Waves  Thinking affects Body Energy and Chemistry  Beta : Thinking Mind Disturbed Mind  Norepinephrine, Cortisol  Alpha : Relaxed but Alert Mental and Physical State  GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid)

8   Break

9 Happiness Bank!  The First Deposit…  Positive Energy Transfer!

10 Alpha Break

11  BREAK  (Jaw as) Alpha Trigger  High Calm Energy (Abdominal Breathing)  Alpha/Mind Programming (Mantra of the Month)  Creatively Visualise Success  Climb a Tree! (Detached Self-Observation)  Positive Energy Transfer (Happiness Bank)  What’s my ‘Emotional Balance Sheet’ today?

12 Mind Programming Replacing Unhelpful Mental Tapes  Alpha State Mantras:  It’s a Great Day! I feel good today!  I stand and walk tall!  I speak confidently!  I give out ‘High Calm Energy’!  I am feeling better and better!  ‘Wanting Something Badly’ : Choose your Mantra for the Month!

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