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School Emergencies Cascade Ridge Elementary 2014-15.

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Presentation on theme: "School Emergencies Cascade Ridge Elementary 2014-15."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Emergencies Cascade Ridge Elementary 2014-15

2 What is an emergency? O An emergency is an unexpected event that needs all adults and students to act quickly.

3 What do we do if there is an emergency? O Look for an adult. O Follow any directions the adult gives us.

4 How do we follow directions during an emergency? O Step 1 - Stop talking. O Step 2 - Look at the adult. O Step 3 - Do whatever you are told without asking any questions.

5 Why can’t we ask questions during an emergency? O In an emergency, we need to act quickly to make sure everyone is safe. O Hold your questions in your head. Once we are all safe and the emergency is over, we will answer them.

6 What kinds of emergencies will we practice? O Fire drills O Earthquake drills O Shelter in Place O Lockdowns

7 Fire Drill O Alarm goes off. O Look for the closest adult. O Follow directions. O Walk in a silent line to our safe spot. O Wait for the fire department or our principal to let us know we are safe to go back into the building.

8 Earthquake Drill O The ground is shaking. O Drop and cover. O Stay silent and in place until the adult you are with asks you to get up. O Evacuate the building like we do in a fire drill.

9 Shelter in Place O An announcement is made over the intercom. O Find the closest room to go into. O Follow the directions of the adult. O Continuing to learn is ok. O Stay inside until you hear an announcement or someone comes to your room.

10 Modified Lockdown O An announcement is made over the intercom O Go into the nearest classroom. O Follow the directions of the adult you are with. O Keep on learning.

11 Full Lockdown O An announcement may or may not be made O Go into the nearest classroom. O Follow the directions of the adult you are with. O Learning stops and your job is to be silent. O If the adult you are with thinks it would be safer to move to a different room or place, follow that adult.

12 Lockdowns O During a lockdown your teacher may ask you to run to a safe spot or hide. Follow the directions of your teacher. O Your teacher may have to keep you safe during a lockdown by fighting off a person trying to do harm. O Remember, the job of your teacher and school staff is to keep you safe.

13 Why do we practice all these drills? O If we practice our drills, we will know exactly what to do no matter what. O Your job is to be good listeners and to follow directions. O We want everyone to be safe.

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