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Tuesday, October 6, 2015. Announcements Wednesday, CASAS #2 Friday- Unit 10-13 test.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, October 6, 2015. Announcements Wednesday, CASAS #2 Friday- Unit 10-13 test."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, October 6, 2015

2 Announcements Wednesday, CASAS #2 Friday- Unit 10-13 test

3 Agenda Homework review (pp. 217-218). Error correction with adjective phrases and prepositions (pp. 221) Reading- Men Suffer from Compulsive Shopping Too Vocabulary discovery Group project- creating an advertisement/ commercial for a new product.

4 Discussion questions Are you a compulsive shopper? Do you know anyone suffering an addiction of shopping? Does compulsive shopping make people feel happier? Are you a cash or card shopper? Do you buy things you may not even want or never need or use? Are men secret compulsive shoppers? Does going shopping make you feel happy? Do you window shop? Have you ever bought anything compulsively online?

5 Pre-reading TRUE / FALSE: Look at the article’s headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F): a.We are constantly bombarded with adsT / F b.Compulsive buying is very much a “woman’s disease”.T / F c.The new research is from Harvard UniversityT / F d.The survey found one in 10 American adults buy things they may not even wantT / F e.Men seek care less often than women.T / F f.Women drag their bored and fed-up-looking men round shopping mallsT / F g.In psychiatry, men seek care less often than womenT / F h.Compulsive shopping by men is declining T/ F

6 Reading- Men Suffer From Compulsive Shopping Too

7 Vocabulary In your groups, discuss what you think unknown vocabulary words mean. Try not to use a dictionary. I will walk around to help. Strategies: 1.Think of the general meaning of the sentence. 2.How does the word or expression fit in with the rest of the sentence? What part of speech is the word? After you think you have a clear understanding of the words, I will have you pick 3-4 of the new words to use in example sentences.

8 Researchers found that… 5.8% of people are Compulsive buyers 6% of women are Compulsive buyers 5.5% of men are Compulsive buyers A higher percentage of younger people are compulsive buyers than older people A higher percentage of people who earn less than $50,000 per year are compulsive buyers Male compulsive buyers tend to buy CDs, books, tools, gadgets, computer stuff and cameras. Female compulsive buyers tend to buy clothes, make-up, articles for the home and jewelry. Compulsive buying does not make the sufferer feel any happier Many sufferers experience serious debt, remorse and shame It is not uncommon for the sufferer to hide his/her addiction from family and friends Compulsive buying is as prevalent as many other mental disorders

9 Questions for you Where do you encounter advertising? Which advertisements/ commercials stick to your head? What makes these advertisements memorable?

10 3 Categories of persuasive strategies Pathos= appeal to emotion Logos= appeal to logic or reason Ethos= appeal to credibility or character Ng&list=PLB759AD429C749932&index=5 More specific strategies…

11 After you have decided on a product, I would like for you to think of how you would advertise it. What persuasive method will you use to get the public to choose your product over the other products that will be marketed in class? (Ethos, pathos, logos). What other advertising strategies will you choose to sell your product?

12 Groupwork I would like for you to think of the next big product on the market. Much like the iPhone or selfie sticks, it must be marketed for a large group. It can be a food product, an electronic gadget or trinket, or an article of clothing, or something that will help a large number of people. Be creative. Be sure to include at least 5 adjective clauses or phrases. Your video advertisement should be between 30 seconds to 1 minute long. We will record them tomorrow and play them for the class on Thursday.


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