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1 American History Unit 7 Prologue to the American Civil War

2 The Civil War An Introduction During the 1800’s, Northerners and Southerners found that they disagreed about a lot of things. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________.

3 Slavery was a big problem! Northerners wanted to stop the spread of _____________. Southerners wanted new states to allow slave-holding. _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________.

4 “Rarely in human history has war really settled a problem. The Civil War made as many problems as it settled. It divided the nation so completely that some problems left over from the Civil War are still around today.” - E Richard & Linda R. Churchill

5 Slavery By the early 1700s, slavery had caught on in a huge way throughout the Southern colonies. _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________.

6 The Declaration of Independence declared no slave free. The constitution skirted the issue, except for the purposes of: –_____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________. Slavery

7 Slavery ___________________________________ They issued a statement against the institution as early as 1724.

8 The Underground Railroad As the generation of the late eighteenth century had been fascinated by inventions like the cotton gin, so, by the third decade of the nineteenth century, Americans were enthralled by another invention: railroads. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________.

9 The Underground Railroad Maybe this is why they called the loosely organized, highly stealthy network developed in the 1830s to help fugitive slaves escape to the North or Canada the Underground Railroad.

10 Harriet Tubman The most famous “conductor” of the Underground Railroad” was Harriet Tubman ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ______________.

11 Abraham Lincoln’s Rise to Power Born on February 12, 1809, in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. _________________________________ _________________________________. Although he had little appetite for military life, he took “much satisfaction” in having been elected captain of his militia company.

12 Lincoln becomes the 16 th President of the United States

13 During the election, he had spoken out strongly ___________________________ and hoped that one day it would end. _________________________________. “We are not enemies, but friends,”“We are not enemies, but friends,” Lincoln told Southerners after taking the oath of office. “We must not be enemies.”“We must not be enemies.” But time was running out.

14 Secession! Lincoln’s election to the Presidency pushed the South to secession. They considered Lincoln to be a “black Republican”. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________.

15 Jefferson Davis Together these seven states formed a new country. __________________________ __________________________. They elected ________________ as President. Four days after declaring succession, delegates from these states met in Montgomery, Alabama, where they wrote their own constitution for the Confederate States of America.

16 James Buchanan Before Lincoln was officially inaugurated, James Buchanan declared his ____________ as _________________________. Either he really didn’t have a clue what to do, or he simply just wanted to leave the problem to _________________________.

17 Fugitive Slave Act? Lincoln believed that the Fugitive Slave Act should be enforced. ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________.

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