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Good Day This is your This is your 30-Second DPN Training ENJOY Click here to begin DPN.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Day This is your This is your 30-Second DPN Training ENJOY Click here to begin DPN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Day This is your This is your 30-Second DPN Training ENJOY Click here to begin DPN

2 It’s like a golden ticket, but it doesn’t come with chocolate or a trip to see Willy Wonka. A category you can check on your driver’s license if you are willing to work, it’s the box next to “Organ Donor”. Something you get with your high school diploma. What is a Ticket to Work? A work incentive that is available to most Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries.

3 I’m afraid this golden ticket is available only to a select few. To find out who, please try again! YIKES!

4 Time to quite sponging off your parents and get to work! I’m Sorry…

5 Oh Well! We will be sure to suggest this to the DMV, but this isn’t the correct answer. Please try again!

6 Great Job! You got it! A Ticket is provided to eligible Social Security beneficiaries between the ages of 18 through 64. The Ticket allows SSA beneficiaries to receive assistance from participating Employment Networks (EN) that can help them in the return to work process. Beneficiaries also get other advantages by assigning their Ticket to a participating EN. For more information about the Ticket program, click here, to visit the Ticket to Work web 30-Second DPN Trainings are a National Disability Program Navigator collaborative effort. Please contact your local DPN to add a friend or colleague to this list. Thank you From DPN Name, your Disability Program Navigator (xxx) xxx-xxxx Ext. xxx (xxx) xxx-xxxx TTY Email address

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