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Emergency Health and Nutrition Training Next Steps.

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1 Emergency Health and Nutrition Training Next Steps

2 Sharing What You’ve Learned How do I share what I’ve learned in the Emergency Health and Nutrition Training? These are several suggested ways that you can share your learning at country level: 1.Briefing with country office Senior Management Team 2.Share the Emergency Health and Nutrition Toolkit – at Capital and Project Offices 3.Participate actively at country level Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning, and share with the emergency point person the training materials 4.Briefing with project team, and share materials 5.Participate at country level emergency response trainings, and actively share learning with the team 6.Actively participate at country and impact area level emergency response, in accordance with the plan/strategy of the country office

3 Using the EHN Toolkit The EHN toolkit is an online interactive resource developed by Save the Children in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) intended to build capacity among health staff working in the development setting and can be used for training on individual topics, full modules, or as a comprehensive 5-day training If you plan to conduct module based or full package training at country level please contact us to get topic based guidance and updates

4 Using the EHN Toolkit Within the toolkit, you will find six modules: 1.Introduction to the Emergency Context 2.Save the Children Emergency Preparedness and Response 3.Assessment Tools 4.Child Health 5.Infant and Child Nutrition 6.Reproductive and Newborn Health

5 Contributing to each module, you will find individual sessions composed of: -A session overview and facilitation notes -An issue summary sheet -A PowerPoint presentation -A case study (in some cases) -Related resources, tools and recommended readings Using the EHN Toolkit

6 The EHN Toolkit also houses additional resources such as: -A resource library -An Emergency Health and Nutrition Glossary -Key Save the Children Emergency Health and Nutrition Staff Directory -Save the Children Emergency Strategy -Country Emergency Preparedness Plans Using the EHN Toolkit

7 Putting it to Use -Create a Health and Nutrition Emergency Preparedness Response Plan -Get to know your emergency colleagues – before the emergency hits! -Put what you have learned to use – get involved with the emergency team - Coordinate/Liaise with national emergency response networks and peer organizations

8 Creating/Maintaining a Preparedness and Response Plan Each Save the Children Country Office is expected to have an emergency preparedness and response plan, that will be regularly updated. This preparedness and response plan will have sector topics – including emergency health and nutrition. Actively engage with your country office emergency point person to make sure sector preparedness and response on emergency health is incorporated and updated regularly

9 Seasonal mapping – if your Country Office has seasonal mapping of potential disasters by geography and time, do include what potential health risks there might be for the population at risk. You can find resources for this under the WHO emergency preparedness website for your country office. Creating/Maintaining a Preparedness and Response Plan

10 Country level disaster preparedness and response meetings that are lead/coordinated by WHO or national bodies are important sources of information, and might be of value to engage at country or project level Creating/Maintaining a Preparedness and Response Plan

11 Participate/contribute to Save the Children global capacity building initiative on emergency health; this will include online elluminate trainings on emergency health, and sharing of lessons learned from emergency health responses Creating/Maintaining a Preparedness and Response Plan

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