Beef and Dairy Cattle. Objectives: 1.Label the parts of cattle 2.Define key terms associated with cattle 3.Detail the history of cattle 4.Explain the.

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Presentation on theme: "Beef and Dairy Cattle. Objectives: 1.Label the parts of cattle 2.Define key terms associated with cattle 3.Detail the history of cattle 4.Explain the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beef and Dairy Cattle

2 Objectives: 1.Label the parts of cattle 2.Define key terms associated with cattle 3.Detail the history of cattle 4.Explain the economic importance of cattle in the US and the world


4 Key Terms Calf: a baby Bull: an intact adult male Cow: a female that has given birth Heifer: a female that has not given birth, usually under 1 year Steer: castrated male

5 Key Terms Cull: to remove inferior animals from a herd (usually sent to slaughter) Veal: meat from young animals (6mo) Wean: to remove a baby from mother to start on solid food.

6 Origin and History of Cattle 2 types of cattle developed around the world:  Bos indicus (humped cattle) Developed in Asia  Bos taurus (European breeds) Developed in Europe Domesticated around: 6000 BCE  draft, meat, milk  measure of wealth in communities  selective and cross breeding early on (different breeds)

7 History of Cattle Not native to US  Columbus, 1493  Portuguese traders 1553  English Larger number in 1611  Spanish longhorns in Mexico 1521

8 Economic Importance Dairy:  Milk production is the second largest animal enterprise in the US ($ sales)  The average American uses just over 570 lbs of milk and dairy products each year.  There are about 10 million cows in the US that produce about 148 million lbs of milk a year.  Veal production  Old cows sold for beef (ground)

9 Economic Importance Dairy:  Dairy operations come in 2 types: Class A and Class B Classes refer to how the milk intended to be used:  Class A produced under strict standards Intended for fluid milk (like we drink)  Class B Can be produced under less strict standards Indented to be used to make butter, cheese, ice cream, and dry milk.

10 Economic Importance Beef Cattle:  #1 red-meat production industry in US  Americans eat about 96lbs of beef per year. (total meat consumption is 245lb)  Sales over $40 billion in cattle and calves  Approximately 100 million head of cattle and calves  TX, NE, KS, CO, IA, CA leaders in beef sales  Cattle by products are used everyday.

11 Types of Beef Operations Purebred Breeders:  Focus on improving genetic traits  Raise replacement animals for other purebred operators and those who want to improve herd genetics

12 Types of Beef Operations Cow-Calf Operations  Serve to produce feeder calves for slaughter  Located in upper Great Plains  Usually sell calves to a feed-lot to fatten before slaughter  Often use purebred bulls

13 Types of Beef Operations Slaughter Cattle or Feedlot Operations  Buy calves from cow-calf operations and feed them until they reach slaughter weight.  Located in the mid-west



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