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The Brain and Cranial Nerves Handout #7 Functions of Gray Matter and Handout #8 Cranial Nerves (just location for 3rd test) A. Brain 1. Principal parts.

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Presentation on theme: "The Brain and Cranial Nerves Handout #7 Functions of Gray Matter and Handout #8 Cranial Nerves (just location for 3rd test) A. Brain 1. Principal parts."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Brain and Cranial Nerves Handout #7 Functions of Gray Matter and Handout #8 Cranial Nerves (just location for 3rd test) A. Brain 1. Principal parts 2. Protection and coverings 3. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 4. Brain stem: anatomy and physiology a. Medulla b. Pons c. Midbrain 5. Diencephalon a. Thalamus b. Hypothalamus 6. Cerebrum a. Lobes b. White matter c. Basal ganglia d. Limbic system e. Functional areas of the cerebral cortex 7. Cerebellum

2 Information processing takes place at several levels within the CNS:
1. spinal cord 2. lower brain 3. higher brain

3 Divisions of Brain

4 Principal Parts 1. brain stem 2. diencephalon 3. cerebrum
4. cerebellum

5 Intro to Protection and Coverings

6 Protection and Coverings
1. cranial bones 2. meninges a. dural sinuses b. dural extensions (1) falx cerebri (2) falx cerebelli (3) tentorium cerebelli 3. cerebrospinal fluid

7 Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
1. location 2. ventricles a. lateral (2) b. third c. fourth

8 CSF and Homeostasis 1. mechanical protection 2. chemical protection
3. circulation

9 CSF Formation and Removal
1. choroid plexus 2. arachnoid villi

10 CSF Flow Pattern

11 Flow of Cerebrospinal Fluid

12 Medulla Most inferior portion of brainstem
Cranial nerves XII, XI, X, IX, and part of XIII Regulates blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, swallowing, coughing, vomiting Notable features: pyramids medulla

13 Pons Superior to medulla, anterior to cerebellum
and inferior to midbrain Alteration in basic respiratory pattern Cranial nerves VIII, VII, VI, and V Pons

14 Midbrain 1. ventral a. cerebral peduncles b. medial lemniscus
2. dorsal (tectum) a. corpora quadrigemina (1) superior colliculi (2) inferior colliculi b. cranial nerves III and IV Reflex movements involving Visual and auditory stimuli midbrain

15 Thalamus- part of Diencephalon
1. paired nuclei 2. massa intermedia 3. relay station 4. crude sensations Thalamus

16 Frontal section showing Thalamus and Hypothalamus

17 Hypothalamus 1. paired nuclei 2. homeostasis control 3. functions
1) integration between the nervous and endocrine systems 2) control of the autonomic nervous system 3) regulation of rage and aggression 4) regulation of body temperature 5) regulation of food intake 6) regulation of thirst 7) regulation of sleep-wake patterns 8) regulation of sex drive Hypothlamus

18 Cerebrum 1. cerebral cortex 2. internal capsule 3. gyrus 4. sulcus
5. fissures A) longitudinal B) lateral C) transverse 6. corpus callosum Our seat of intelligence, consciousness. See, taste, feel, smell and hear

19 Cerebral Lobes 1. Frontal 2. Parietal 3. Occipital 4. Temporal
5. Insula

20 Fiber Types Found in Cerebral White Matter
Commissural tracts (corpus callosum) Projection tracts Association tracts

21 Gray Matter of Cerebrum Basal Ganglia Nuclei
Masses of gray matter lateral to the thalamus. Function in large learned semi voluntary muscle movements such as swinging arms when walking

22 Limbic System A ring of structures surrounding the inner border of the cerebrum and the floor of the diencephalon, encircling the midbrain. Emotional brain

23 Functional Areas 1. sensory areas 2. motor areas 3. association areas

24 Cerebellum 1. location 2. cerebellar cortex 3. cerebellar white matter
4. cerebellar nuclei 5. functions-sequential muscle movements, muscle tone, posture

25 Cranial Nerves

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