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Correlation between post-PTCA resolution of ST segment and mortality in STEMI patients First author: Diana Opincariu Co-authors: Carmen Moldovan Daniel.

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Presentation on theme: "Correlation between post-PTCA resolution of ST segment and mortality in STEMI patients First author: Diana Opincariu Co-authors: Carmen Moldovan Daniel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Correlation between post-PTCA resolution of ST segment and mortality in STEMI patients First author: Diana Opincariu Co-authors: Carmen Moldovan Daniel Balan Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Benedek Imre Prof. Dr. Benedek Theodora University of Medicine and Pharmacy Tg. Mures Cardiology Clinic, Mures Emergency Clinical County Hospital

2 Background The acute myocardial infarction causes changes in the electrical activity of the heart.

3 Background The extent of the necrosis can be decreased through Decrease in ST segment elevation ThrombolysisPTCA

4 Objective The present study aims to identify a correlation between mortality in STEMI patients and ST segment resolution following revascularization (PTCA)

5 Materials and methods Inclusion criteria Acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation Primary PCI (TIMI flow 2-3) within the first 12 h after onset of symptoms Exclusion criteria Left bundle branch block occured after the AMI History of heart surgery Age under 18 298 patients

6 Materials and methods ISSTE = integrated score of ST elevation ISSTE was calculated by summing the amplitudes of the ST segment elevations in all the leads (12 lead ECG)

7 Materials and methods ISSTE = integrated score of ST elevation The pre and post- revascularization (1-2 days after) ISSTE were calculated and compared. An efficient revascularization was defined as a decrease in the ISSTE score by >=50% The analysis of the data was performed by using MS Excel, GraphPad InStat and Fisher’s exact statistical test

8 Results The study population was divided into 2 groups Group 1 259 patients with >=50% decrease in the ISSTE Group 2 39 patients with a decrease in the ISSTE of <50%

9 Characteristics of the study population AGE GENDER NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS

10 Infarct related artery RCA – right coronary artery, LAD – left anterior descendant; CxA– circumflex artery NS

11 Infarct related artery RCA – right coronary artery, LAD – left anterior descendant; CxA– circumflex artery NS

12 Results Group 1 = >=50% decrease in ISSTE Group 2 = decrease in ISSTE of <50% Group 1 Group 2 Total Number of cases25939298 Survivors24229271 Deceased171027 Mortality6.56%25.64% p=0.0008 93.44% 6.56% 73.36% 25.64%

13 Conclusions The study demonstrates the correlation between ST segment amplitude decrease, post-PTCA, and mortality in STEMI patients ISSTE is a new prognostic marker associated with post-myocardial infarction mortality A >50% decrease in the ISSTE score following revascularization is associated with a decrease in mortality in STEMI patients.

14 Special recognition to members of Cardiology Clinic, of the MURES COUNTY EMERGENCY CLINICAL HOSPITAL- Prof. Dr. Benedek Imre Prof. Dr. Benedek Theodora Thank you for your for your attention attention

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