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Anterior Depressions Angiographic and Clinical Outcomes Among Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes Presenting with Anterior ST-Segment Depressions C.

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Presentation on theme: "Anterior Depressions Angiographic and Clinical Outcomes Among Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes Presenting with Anterior ST-Segment Depressions C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anterior Depressions Angiographic and Clinical Outcomes Among Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes Presenting with Anterior ST-Segment Depressions C. Michael Gibson, Yuri B. Pride, Satishkumar Mohanavelu, Stephen D. Wiviott, Elliott M. Antman and Eugene Braunwald AHA Scientific Sessions 2008 New Orleans Disclosure Statement: TRITON-TIMI 38 was supported by a research grant to the Brigham and Women’s Hospital from Daiichi Sankyo and Eli Lilly. None of the individual authors has any relevant conflicts to report.

2 Anterior Depressions BACKGROUND Rapid triage of patients with an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) to an appropriate pharmacologic and / or invasive strategy is associated with improved outcomesRapid triage of patients with an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) to an appropriate pharmacologic and / or invasive strategy is associated with improved outcomes The traditional 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) is one diagnostic modality in the initial evaluation of patients with chest painThe traditional 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) is one diagnostic modality in the initial evaluation of patients with chest pain The presence of ST-segment elevation is the key branch point in the triage to emergent reperfusion therapyThe presence of ST-segment elevation is the key branch point in the triage to emergent reperfusion therapy

3 Anterior Depressions BACKGROUND Anterior ST-segment depressions Unstable angina or non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction Risk stratification Conservative or early invasive strategy Acute thrombotic occlusion in the posterior circulation Antiplatelet and antithrombotic therapy EMERGENT REPERFUSION THERAPY

4 Anterior Depressions GOALS To determine the angiographic and clinical outcomes among patients presenting with ACS and isolated anterior ST-segment depression on 12-lead ECG To compare the clinician diagnosis of STEMI with subsequent angiographic evidence, such as an occluded culprit artery, and serologic evidence of myocardial necrosis To determine the diagnostic ECG-to-PCI time among patients with an occluded culprit artery

5 Anterior Depressions MAIN TRIAL DESIGN Double-blind ACS (STEMI or UA/NSTEMI) & Planned PCI PRASUGREL 60 mg LD/ 10 mg MD CLOPIDOGREL 300 mg LD/ 75 mg MD 1 o endpoint: CV death, MI, Stroke Duration of therapy: 6-15 months n=13,608 Diagnostic ECG Angiography / PCI

6 Anterior Depressions METHODS Patients with isolated anterior ST-segment depression were included in the analysis  Patients with ST-segment elevation in other arterial territories were excluded ECGs and angiograms were evaluated by local investigators

7 Anterior Depressions METHODS Anterior ST-segment depressions Unstable angina TFG 2/3 in culprit artery NSTEMI - Tn + Tn “STEMI” + Tn TFG 0/1 in culprit artery

8 Anterior Depressions METHODS Outcomes  Composite of death or MI at 30 days  Fold elevation in cardiac biomarkers As a surrogate for infarct size  Recognition of STEMI by local investigators  Time from diagnostic ECG to PCI

9 Anterior Depressions POPULATION 1,198 patients with isolated anterior depressions 13,608 patients enrolled in TRITON-TIMI 38 243 with UA (20.2%) 641 with NSTEMI (53.5%) 314 with “STEMI” (26.2%) TFG 2/3 - Tn TFG 2/3 + Tn TFG 0/1 + Tn

10 Anterior Depressions BASELINE CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic“STEMI”(n=314)UA/NSTEMI(n=884)p-value Male71%65%0.054 Age, yrs (mean)62630.35 Diabetes19%22%0.15 Hypertension60%71%<0.05 Hyperlipidemia50%54%0.072 Prior MI15%17%0.55 Smoker33%30%0.38 BMI, kg/m 2 (mean)28280.86 CrCl, ml/min (mean)101990.45

11 Anterior Depressions CULPRIT ARTERY IN “STEMI”* PATIENTS n=106n=56n=152 * TFG 0/1 in culprit artery Positive cardiac biomarkers

12 Anterior Depressions 3-way p=0.006 CLINICAL OUTCOMES 30-day death or MI n=641n=314 n=243 TFG 2/3 - Tn TFG 2/3 + Tn TFG 0/1 + Tn

13 Anterior Depressions INFARCT SIZE p<0.001 n=884 n=314

14 Anterior Depressions INFARCT SIZE BY CULPRIT ARTERY p<0.05 for all

15 Anterior Depressions MANAGEMENT Among patients with an occluded culprit artery and anterior ST-segment depression, only 14/314 (4.5%) were interpreted by the investigator as a STEMI The median time from baseline ECG to PCI for patients with an occluded culprit artery was 29.4 hours (IQR 26.1-44.1 hours) None of the patients with an occluded artery had an ECG to PCI time <6 hours

16 Anterior Depressions LIMITATIONS Only patients who survived until angiography were included  Due to survival bias, this dataset may therefore underestimate the number of patients with anterior ST-segment depression who have an occluded artery ECGs were read locally, not by a core laboratory, and so subtle ST-segment elevation cannot be excluded

17 Anterior Depressions CONCLUSIONS More than a quarter of patients with ACS who present with isolated anterior ST- segment depressions in TRITON-TIMI 38 had an occluded culprit artery and positive cardiac biomarkers The occluded artery was most often the left circumflex artery

18 Anterior Depressions CONCLUSIONS Patients with anterior ST-segment depression and an occluded culprit artery had significantly larger infarcts and worse short-term clinical outcomes These ECG findings frequently went unrecognized as evidence of a possibly occluded culprit artery This suggests the need for improved methods to identify patients with isolated anterior ST-segment depression who have an occluded artery

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