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Franca Mancini, PhD, LPC Director of Counseling and Psychological Services Shannon Killeen, MA Assistant Vice President for Student Services T RANSITIONS.

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Presentation on theme: "Franca Mancini, PhD, LPC Director of Counseling and Psychological Services Shannon Killeen, MA Assistant Vice President for Student Services T RANSITIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Franca Mancini, PhD, LPC Director of Counseling and Psychological Services Shannon Killeen, MA Assistant Vice President for Student Services T RANSITIONS

2 Transitions for Students and Families  Separation and individuation  Changing roles  Need for autonomy and independence  Developing a personal identity & sense of self  Intellectual growth  Issues regarding intimacy  Adjusting to major life changes

3 Transitions for Parents  Emotions related to the sense of separation  Feeling “left out” of their student’s life  Concerns about giving up some control  Developing personal interests individually and as a couple  Adjusting to the student’s need for privacy  Arranging appropriate support services

4 Top 10 Student Transition Issues  Increased responsibility for self  Attendance issues  Working with faculty  Understanding assignments and due dates  Importance of academic performance  Time management  Increased study hours  Challenging classes  Work commitments  Social demands

5 Common Issues for FY Students  Feeling invincible and taking risks  Fitting in  Learning to cope in a new environment  Balancing academics, social needs and work  Identifying appropriate support services  Staying connected to family

6 Students will clarify a sense of personal identity  Who am I?  What are my personal goals?  What matters to me?  How would I like to live?  What are my values?

7 Parents can encourage involvement and balance There are many opportunities for involvement:  Student Government Association  Clubs & Organizations  Service Learning  Fraternity and Sorority Life  Working on Campus  Intramurals & Recreation  Office of Student Activities

8 Students will learn to establish and maintain interpersonal relationships  Some new friends, some old friends and some peer pressure…what do I do?  What about family?  Who can I trust and turn to for support?  How do I talk to faculty, administrators and staff on campus?  Everyone else is so different. How can I relate?

9 FERPA Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act  Federal Law  Applies to all college/university students  Protects the student’s education records  Financial, Academic & Discipline  FERPA release  Discuss this topic with your student

10 Students will make decisions regarding alcohol and drugs  Monmouth University Policies  Policies apply both on and off campus  MU Parental Notification Policy  Keeping the lines of communication open  Many alternatives are available to students

11 Issues will arise regarding personal health and wellness  What’s a balanced lifestyle, anyway?  There’s plenty of time to get it done…or not.  I’m not anxious, stressed-out or depressed…yet.  I’m young…of course I’m healthy.  Alcohol or other substances don’t affect me…I can handle it all.  And then there’s sex…

12 Students will acquire independence and autonomy and value interdependence During their college experience, your students will eventually:  Identify a sense of self.  Learn to make wise decisions.  Manage their health and wellness.  Set realistic goals for themselves.  Learn to trust and establish long-term, meaningful relationships with others.

13 Campus support services can assist with personal health and wellness concerns  Counseling & Psychological Services  Health Services  Office of Substance Awareness  Recreation & Intramurals  Fitness Centers  Dining Services

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