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Why is the Ark here? Not because we’re expecting a flood! Because a long time ago… A heart was called to the ‘mission field’ in a different sort of way.

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Presentation on theme: "Why is the Ark here? Not because we’re expecting a flood! Because a long time ago… A heart was called to the ‘mission field’ in a different sort of way."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is the Ark here? Not because we’re expecting a flood! Because a long time ago… A heart was called to the ‘mission field’ in a different sort of way than one would expect. While a convent seemed to be one answer, our thoughts are not always God’s way of having us do something. For many years, ideas were “downloaded” for developing a multitude of educational missions. In another part of the “file room”..businesses ideas were suggested to create a support system for those missions..

2 Because a long time ago…(some time before 1993)

3 A heart was called to the ‘mission field’

4 ….in a different sort of way than one would expect.

5 While a convent seemed to be one answer,

6 …our thoughts are not always God’s way of having us do something.

7 M any ideas were given to begin educational missions

8 …as well as business ideas to support those educational missions.

9 F or many years, we searched for the place to begin.

10 Securing non-profit status in 1994, we learned

11 this mission was not to be the typical “needy charity”

12 and was not as desperate as others

13 at the front lines of crisis centers asking for grants…

14 was not as ‘desperate’ as We were to be a ministry developing solutions,

15 as the world did and does not need another ‘needy’ charity.

16 Not sure how God planned to fund ‘a building’…

17 we ‘wandered in the desert’ looking for answers.

18 The Motorola building was out of the question…

19 Doors were closed time and again, on places we tried to ‘mortgage.’

20 In 2003 we decided to STOP looking.

21 We saw an ad for a small property in Harvard and called,

22 just because it sounded ‘too-good-to-be true’.

23 A quick decision had to be made as there were, of course, other offers!

24 We knew God could close the door as He had done in the past…

25 ….OR… one.

26 So we went out on a limb and So we signed the papers and awaited the next detail.

27 We had 30 days to get approved financing.

28 , In the waiting, the Lord “granted” us three large work contracts

29 so large, they paved the way to qualify for multiple mortgage(s).

30 God was evidently telling us to GO. So we got ready!

31 We researched plans for an “activity building” and found

32 that a house needed to be on the property first.

33 He was apparently saying GO and DO! Who were we to say…….He can’t?

34 Not sure if there was a bigger purpose for the house, we got ready to move.

35 It took 3 years to get the house done

36 and begin the process for the building we would call The Ark.

37 The income from those Income from the work contracts gave enough funds for down payments

38 and to ‘finish’ the Ark over what we qualified for on mortgaging.

39 When the final mortgage inspections were done on The Ark in Autumn of 2006,

40 we lost those same 3 work contracts while gaining several mortgages.

41 A sudden income loss of over $8,000 each month

42 naturally the question of the day was “God, is it time to give up, NOW?



45 God would be the only one who could finish what He started.

46 We thank Him for you, who We thank Him for you who may be reading this…

47 …about the building that is literally built on His Word!

48 Stay tuned for Part 2: The Mission


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