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How to Use Blackboard Collaborate Dan Dao, Ph.D..

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Presentation on theme: "How to Use Blackboard Collaborate Dan Dao, Ph.D.."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Use Blackboard Collaborate Dan Dao, Ph.D.

2 I. Preparing for the Meeting II. Joining in the Room III. Using the BB Collaborate Tools during the Meeting

3 I. Preparing for the Meeting 1.Creating a Tab for Blackboard Collaborate 2.Installing Blackboard Collaborate Launcher 3. Creating a Session

4 1. Creating the Blackboard Collaborate Tab

5 2. Installing the BB Collaborate Launcher

6 3. Creating a Session

7 Here is a sample for a successfully created session:

8 II. Joining in the Room Click on the title of the session link

9 1 2 3

10 If you have students using their phone to join the conversation, follow the following steps: Enter this number followed by the # key - Click on Tools - Click on Telephony - Click on Use Telephone for Audio

11 Here is an example of a successful room:

12 III. Using the BB Collaborate Tools during the Meeting 1. Whiteboard 2. Application Sharing 3. Web Tour

13 1. Whiteboard Whiteboard Make sure, you have to turn on all of these functions before the conversation:

14 Tools: - Select Objects - Point to items - Draw a highlighter on the page - Create Text in the page - Draw a filled shape - Draw a shape - Draw a line - Place a screen capture on the page (screen shot) - Clip arts Chat window

15 Tools: Upload files here

16 Tools: Going to next slides Here is an example of uploading a file.

17 2. Application Sharing Share the Desktop with others

18 2. Application Sharing

19 3. Web Tour Share the URL with others

20 3. Web Tour

21 Questions?

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