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Juan, Melissa, Portia, Jessica, and Jaime Group 2 - Chapter 2 The Creative Press.

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2 Juan, Melissa, Portia, Jessica, and Jaime Group 2 - Chapter 2 The Creative Press

3 Scene one Search for Success



6 Scene Two Identification and an Invitation


8 Scene Three Dimensions for Successful Creativity

9 Rex ’ s 10 Dimensions for Successful Creativity Rex ’ s 10 Dimensions for Successful Creativity are to help you understand how to better your external psychological press. If you use my ten techniques you will be happier, more successful, and more creative in all the aspects of your life.

10 Testimonials from previous attendants: Jenny from Eugene, OR Rex’s 10 Dimensions for Successful Creativity

11 Testimonials from previous attendants: Shandra from Reno, NV

12 Rex ’ s 10 Dimensions for Successful Creativity 1.Challenge – Get emotionally involved in your job. 2.Freedom – Ability to function independently, be your own person. 3.Dynamism/Liveliness – Job has to be dynamic, be excited about work. 4.Trust & Openness – Safety, setup support systems. 5.Idea Time – Have thinking time when you brain storm and have time to new develop ideas. 6.Playfulness and humor – Take time for humor, relax, be spontaneous, tell jokes at job, have a party.

13 Rex ’ s 10 Dimensions for Successful Creativity 7.Idea Support – This is how new ideas are supported. If the environment or press is supportive, new ideas are welcomed and creativity is increased. 8.Debates – They are healthy and necessary in work place, otherwise new ideas would never be understood. Allow for exchanging points of view. 9.Risk taking – Have the freedom to leap into the great unknown, take a gamble, be fearless. 10.Conflicts – Personal tensions between people which are friendly are not always a bad thing.

14 Scene Four 10 years later… Where are they now?

15 Deb Deb now has her own successful portrait studio called, “ Deb Shots ”.

16 Napoleon Discovers his love of art. He opened up a gallery of his drawings next to the Cut-and- Corral.

17 Kip Following the seminar Kip blows off Uncle Rico and starts his own business selling CD ’ s and making Rap music videos with his new love, La Fawnduh.

18 Pedro Following his successful presidency in high school. He utilized his friendships and relationships with his family to started the first Mexican restaurant in Idaho. He is married to Summer and they have 7 children.

19 Uncle Rico Uncle Rico is still living in his van and trying to get rich.

20 The End “Listen to your heart. That’s what I always do!”

21 Outtakes






27 Really the end…

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