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Sidrah Fatimah mc070401407 MBA HRM Virtual University of Pakistan

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1 Sidrah Fatimah mc070401407 MBA HRM Virtual University of Pakistan

2 Reliance Weaving Mills Ltd.

3 Brief Introduction of the Organization  RWML started its production on April, 1990.  RWML is ISO certified.  There are 2000 employees working.  Manufacturing of Yarns and fabrics as per the customer’s requirement and market demand.  Exploring the global market with special emphasis on Europe, US & East.

4  Keeping pace with the rapidly changing technology by continuously balancing, modernization and replacement of plant and machinery.  Recruiting, developing, motivating and retaining the personnel having exceptional ability and dedication by providing them good working condition, performance based compensation, attractive benefit program & opportunity for growth.  Protecting the environment and contributing towards the economic strength of the country and function as a good corporate citizen.

5 Business Volume  RWML business volume is 4 Billion Rupees.  RWML is listed in KSE & LSE.  RWML annual production capacity is 60 million meters fabric & yarn.

6 Competitors  Mehmood Textile (Weaving) Mills  Gulshan Weaving Mills  Kohinoor Weaving Mills  Jubilee Spinning & weaving Mills  Elahi Spinning & weaving Mills

7 Organizational Hierarchy CEO Board of Directors Chief Finance Officer GM Marketing Manager HRManager IT GM Production

8 Training Program DepartmentsTask AccountsReceived Orientation, Prepare local sales voucher, Dispatch Report Planning/Co- ordination/HR Received Orientation, Arrange training workshop for employees. MarketingReceived Orientation Spinning/ ProductionReceived Orientation WeavingReceived Orientation Lab TestingReceived Orientation

9 Structure of HRM Department Chief Executive officer Board of Directors Manager HR HR Administration Employees Development Labor Relations Worker Welfare Board HR Officer

10 HRM Process in the Organization  Human resource management team is highly motivated.  RWML is using Zero-base forecasting and Bottom-up forecasting.  Employees recruitment & selection is done by BOD through internal & external recruitment.  Performance report written down on monthly & annually.

11  The Compensation & benefits are judges by the Board of Directors & HR department.  The following compensation and benefits are giving to the employees: 1) Salary increments on yearly basis 2) Bonuses 3) Reward on exceptional performance 4) Reward on Target achieving 5) Employees and there family Medical care 6) Employees Life Insurance 7) Employees children education planning through worker welfare board.

12  RWML career management: Promotion Transfer Demotion Separations Layoff Termination Resignation Retirement

13 Critical Analysis  The Human resource Department is not efficiently handling the politics in working environment.  HRP should be improve.  Employees can not efficiently handle the computer based environment.  Employees have some reservation about the safety measures.  HR policies are not properly implemented  Employees are not satisfied with the reward system.

14 SWOT Analysis of the Organization Strengths:  Brand Name  Raw Material is the strength for industry.  Manpower is also the strength of the company.  Company has its own power generation system.  High quality Product.  Company has latest machinery.  Stable market position. Cont…..

15  Plenty of financial resources.  Equipped with computer base environment.  Company location is a strength for the company.  Worker welfare board.  Company situated in cotton producer region.  Listed in KSE & LSE.

16 Weakness  There is not a sufficient Research & Development.  Company is more dependant on Cotton.  Poor Infrastructure.  Insufficient Employees safety measures.  Less promotional activities.  Over workload on workforce.  Medical Insurance is only for production staff. It should be for all employees.

17 Opportunities:  Pakistan Demographically is an ideal place to export the products.  Collaboration with foreign exchange  RWML has the access to the US market, Europe Market and Far East China  Nationwide business expansion of the business.  Efficient incentives, Bonus and reward system for employees. Cont…..

18  Member of International textile association and Member of Trade Development Authority of Pakistan.  RWML can create an opportunity by expanding the product line.

19 Threats:  New Competitors.  Unstable Economic conditions of the country.  Power supply failure’ RWML own power generation is expensive.  Short fall in production of Cotton.  GAS supply shut down in winter season.  Political instability of the country.  Government policies and new Taxation is the threat for the company.

20 Conclusion  RWML is powerful competitor in textile industry.  There is lack of Training workshops for production staff.  Medical insurance is only for production staff it should be for all employees.  HRP is not working properly. So, HRP should be improve.  RWML; considers its employees as the most valuable assets than RWML should provide safety while working.  There is not well trained staff to handle computer base environment.  RWML should focus on R&D.

21 Recommendations  The HR department is only at Group Level, it should be at the Mill unit. So, that the HR can perform well to solve problems.  There should be a department for safety and security at Mill for employees.  Complete Uniform and Ear plugs must be available for employees working at plant.  Working conditions should be improved to increase the productivity of employees.  Some training classes should be arranged for trainings of employees. Cont....

22  There are some conflicts among the employees and officers. So, it is the responsibility of higher management to take some steps to improve that.  Working environment, Equipment and safety dressing should be according to the modern standards.  Upgrade Human Resource Process.

23 Thank You

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