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Co-ordinator network Alison Philipson Spring 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Co-ordinator network Alison Philipson Spring 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Co-ordinator network Alison Philipson Spring 2015

2 Outline 9.30 – 10.45 – joint session – reading and maths moderation 10.45 – 11.15 – BREAK 11.15 – 12.30 – assessing without levels – writing 12.30 – 1.15 – LUNCH 1.15 – 2.30 – assessing without levels - reading Pearson - 5 minute presentation before lunch then display over lunch Cosy Literacy – display over lunch Central Library Service at end of day

3 Reading moderation

4 Do teachers know the answer to questions like this ? So why do you think Ayesha is working at Y3 age related expectations ? What evidence have they got ?

5 Making assessment judgements... Do teachers have a good understanding of the assessment criteria Do teachers use the evidence well ? Do teachers know their children ?

6 Gathering evidence Phonics tracker/individual phonics as sessment - on Guided reading sessions which deepen children’s comprehension skills Assessment during guided reading – Bradford Reading Record Independent tasks during guided reading to be linked to a previous or future guided reading session (one group could be reading for pleasure) Reading Journals Video/audio recordings Pupil scripts

7 Bradford Reading Record Now linked to the new national curriculum ! What does progress look like from Y1 – Y6 ?

8 Higher expectations Y1 2c Y22a Y33b Y43a Y54b Y65/6

9 Use the Bradford Reading Record to look at the progression of inference across the reading levels... What are your observations ?

10 Y1 – makes simple deductions with support from prompts/begins to make predictions about character traits/gives reasons for predictions/relates incidents to own experience Y2 – makes predictions based on reading experience/makes simple inferences about thoughts and feelings/makes confident predictions based on wider reading experience Y3 – gives sensible reasons for predictions about plot and character/makes connections across a text/justifies ideas and predictions/links ideas across texts more confidently Y4 – infers meaning in text using clues from action, dialogue and description

11 Y5/Y6 – can pull out main themes and ideas/can empathise with characters and understand their actions/begins to refer to text to support opinions and predictions about moods, messages, feelings and attitudes/begins to identify explicit and implicit points of view

12 Moderating assessment judgements First step - can teachers present evidence to show where a child is working ? Second step - moderation Literacy Co-ordinator observes group Peer observations Video used within year groups, key stages, whole school staff meeting, LAP













25 Case study – Thornton Primary (mixed ability group of Y2 children – 2c, 2b, 2a)








33 Children read aloud Children shared the text with each other Questions were discussed by the whole group (nc) Children had a go at summarising (nc) Children discussed author’s language choices Writing was linked to reading Reading for enjoyment was a continuous thread throughout the session

34 Video clip

35 Record responses a bc d e f

36 Recording responses QuestionBrunoMarkPalomaEllie Retrieval Inference etc…

37 Important Do children’s formative assessment levels match their test outcomes ? Children in KS2 need to know how to write the answer to a question This should be regularly modelled by teachers Children should be given lots of opportunities to practise writing answers to questions

38 Ask teachers to have a go... Using a text they have brought, ask them to think of some AF3 questions relevant to the children in their class using the progression in the Bradford Reading Record

39 Gap tasks for teachers Use the text to gather evidence for groups of children Use the Bradford Reading Record to assess and to plan next steps Bring the Bradford Reading Record to the next staff meeting and be prepared to feed back Link guided reading texts to the current Literacy unit

40 Maths moderation

41 Do teachers know the answers to questions like this ? So why do you think Sophie is working at Y2 age related expectations ? What evidence have they got ?

42 Listen... Does the teacher have a good understanding of the assessment criteria Does the teacher use the evidence well ? Does the teacher know his/her children ?

43 Gathering evidence for maths Distance from learning Prior learning assessments are secure evidence Starters activities –Try and be systematic – diary in 2 weeks after teaching –Allows ‘plate spinning’ –Use open ended questions Guided group sessions (word of warning)

44 Starter activity 2 weeks after teaching check understanding e.g. sequencing numbers What would you expect of level 1 children? –2c children? –2b children? –2a children? –Level 3 children? What could you ask? Discuss

45 Level 1 sequencing

46 Low level 2 - sequences Recognise numbers in the 2s, 5s, 10s sequences

47 Securing level 2 - sequencing

48 Sequencing – what would a question look like? 22, 24, 26, _,_

49 Level 3 sequencing question Here are the first five numbers in a sequence. The sequence continues in the same way. Write the number that will be 10 th in the sequence. 1st2nd3rd4th5th 420400380360340

50 Sequencing – ask an open question Closed What number comes next? 5, 10, 15, _ Open Make up some number sequences that have 20 in them. Describe your sequences. Opening up questions document

51 Sequencing – ask a reasoning question Spot the mistake: 45,40,35,25 What is wrong with this sequence of numbers? True or False? I start at 3 and count in threes. Will I say the number 13? What comes next? 41+5=46 46+5=51 51+5=56 NCETM –progression documents with reasoning questions

52 Sequencing – ask a probing question Level2opaedia

53 So, what would a good maths moderation session look like? Show a range of children’s skills Have open ended / probing/ explain/ reason questions… no ceiling Have readily accessible resources Allow the teacher or moderator the opportunity to ask follow up questions

54 For example: This morning…I felt in my purse and there were only 4 coins. I wonder if I have enough money to buy a school lunch? What could I have in my purse?

55 Record responses a bc d e f

56 Recording responses QuestionLisaBartMaggieMillhouse 23 + 18 No. bonds to 10 Order 2 digit no. Recognise 3 digit No. Etc.

57 Now it’s your turn... Watch the video Make a level judgement Explain why you think it’s that level, referring to the national level descriptors and evidence from the video

58 Video What evidence can you gather for each of these children? Mark Boy1 Girl 1 Girl 2 Boy 2 Girl 3 Girl 4

59 Break

60 Assessing progress in writing


62 Writing exemplification linked to the new national curriculum Your table is a working party and you will be allocated a year group Discuss criteria – ‘get in the zone’ – 15 mins Assess the pieces of writing in pairs 15 mins Discuss the outcome and make judgements – 15 mins


64 Lunch

65 Assessment of reading linked to the new national curriculum Bradford Reading Record

66 Discussion time

67 Library slides

68 Next steps…

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