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Circulatory and Respiratory Systems. The Circulatory System.

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Presentation on theme: "Circulatory and Respiratory Systems. The Circulatory System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

2 The Circulatory System

3 Functions of the circulatory system Carries nutrients and oxygen to the body. Removes waste from body. Carrier system for the body –Hormones –Antibodies

4 Organs of the circulatory system Heart – pumps blood through the body. Arteries – carry blood away from the heart. Arterioles – connect arteries to capillaries. Veins – carry blood back to the heart. Venules – connect veins to capillaries. Capillaries – structures where gasses (O 2 and CO 2 ), nutrients, hormones and waste products are exchanged

5 Veins Arteries Circulatory System


7 How the circulatory system works


9 The Respiratory System

10 Functions of the respiratory system Gas exchange. Takes in oxygen Removes carbon dioxide

11 Organs of the respiratory system Nose Pharynx Larynx – Voice Box Trachea Lungs Bronchus Bronchioles Alveoli


13 How the Respiratory System Works

14 Airflow of Respiration Air enters body through nasal cavity or mouth. It passes through the pharynx (throat), the larynx (voice box), and into the trachea. The trachea branches into two tubes called the bronchi Each bronchus branches many times into smaller tubes. The smallest tubes are called bronchioles At the end of each tube is a cluster of small sacs called alveoli.

15 Gas Exchange Oxygen molecules pass from the alveoli to the capillaries. Capillaries release carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) to the alveoli.

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