Claudio Bogliotti European Commission Directorate-General for Research (DG RTD) International Cooperation, D1 Overview of EC international cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "Claudio Bogliotti European Commission Directorate-General for Research (DG RTD) International Cooperation, D1 Overview of EC international cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Claudio Bogliotti European Commission Directorate-General for Research (DG RTD) International Cooperation, D1 Overview of EC international cooperation with MPCs in WPs 2007,2008,2009 and 2010 and MPCs’ participation inFP7 13th MoCo Meeting Casablanca, 16 November 2009

2 FP7 International activities in WPs 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Analysis of international cooperation: Themes vs. Countries/Regions matrix Participation of MPCs in FP7 (2007-2009) FP7 Opportunities (WP2010 Cooperation)

3 Overview of International Cooperation Activities in WP 2007-2008-2009-2010 (all third countries & Mediterranean partner countries)

4 Distribution of International Activities in WPS 2007-2008-2009-2010 (All third countries VS.MPCs) All countries MPCs WP2007WP2008WP2009WP2010Totals FAB 29203319 101 ENV 22152716 80 ICT 105151 31 NMP 71162 26 HEALTH 3141118 46 TPT 10 013 33 SSH+SIS 7726 22 ENERGY 12998 38 Euratom 0008 8 SPACE 0049 13 Totals10091107100398 WP2007WP2008WP2009WP2010Total FAB 84911 32 ENV 95116 31 ICT 2211 6 NMP 0010 1 HEALTH 40512 21 TPT 2201 5 SSH+SIS 0010 1 ENERGY 3310 7 Euratom 0000 0 SPACE 0030 3 Totals28163231107

5 SICAs, Targeted opening, Coordinated calls, Twinning for 2007-2008-2009-2010 All countries MPCs WP2007WP2008WP2009WP2010 Totals SICA27344047 148 Targeted Opening73535837 221 Coordinated Call03816 27 Twinning0110 2 TOTAL10091107100398 WP2007WP2008WP2009WP2010 Totals SICA1181929 67 Targeted Opening178132 40 TOTAL28163231107

6 Trend of SICAs, Targeted opening, Coordinated calls, Twinning for all third countries 2007-2008-2009-2010 All countries MPCs

7 Themes vs. Countries/Regions matrix

8 Road MapsWP 2007WP 2008WP 2009WP 2010Topics to be covered MPCs having an S&T Cooperation Agreement - Egypt - Morocco - Tunisia Mediterranean region (MIRA, Summits, Regional Workshops) SICAs, Targeted Opening Coordinated Calls, Twinning SICAs, Targeted Opening Twinning SICAs Targeted Opening Coordinated Calls Twinning SICAs, Targeted Opening Twinning SICAs Targeted Opening Coordinated Calls Twinning SICAs, Targeted Opening Twinning SICAs Targeted Opening Coordinated Calls Twinning SICAs, Targeted Opening Twinning  Medical plants  Pesticide dynamics in soil  Marine biodiversity  Local products having Mediterranean interest  Wild plants: biological valorisation  Olive oil for heatlh

9 The process of integration of international cooperation in FP7 MIRA International Cooperation strategy in WPs Regional dialogue S&T Coop. Ageements Bilateral dialogue Regional priorities Road Maps, priorities FP7-Thematic Directorates MoCo Drafting WPs Matrix / analysis Workshops, CA-SSA,… Interaction With thematics Dialogue with researchers

10 Road MapsWP 2007WP 2008WP 2009WP 2010Topics to be covered MPCs having an S&T Cooperation Agreement - Egypt - Morocco - Tunisia Mediterranean region (MIRA, Summits, Regional Workshops) SICAs, Targeted Opening Coordinated Calls, Twinning SICAs, Targeted Opening Twinning SICAs Targeted Opening Coordinated Calls Twinning SICAs, Targeted Opening Twinning SICAs Targeted Opening Coordinated Calls Twinning SICAs, Targeted Opening Twinning SICAs Targeted Opening Coordinated Calls Twinning SICAs, Targeted Opening Twinning  Medical plants  Pesticide dynamics in soil  Marine biodiversity  Local products having Mediterranean interest  Wild plants: biological valorisation  Olive oil for heatlh

11 Work Programmes and Global Challenges (world wide) Contribution to challenges identified in the Competitiveness Council conclusions of 2.12.2008 + other main areas

12 WP2007WP2008WP2009WP2010Totals Climate change246315 Poverty (and global development)477119 Infectious diseases814922 Energy risk1113121551 - Clean and renewable energy111312743 - Nuclear safety 88 Water and food supply14515 49 - Food safety and security814619 - Management of agriculture, livestock, animal diseases6411930 Safety of the population9412 37 - Water and sanitation213410 - Public health, access to health413614 - Risk management326213 Preservation of biodiversity*219102060 Network security and digital divide122 5 Sub-Total70456875258 Other areas1513 1253 - Environment / sustainable development428 14 - Transport10 30 - Space observation11529 Other (incl. ICT, Technologies/Materials, other diseases, space, social issues)1630291287 Total1018811099398 Including the 7 specific goals identified in the MDGs for target 7B "Reduce biodiversity loss"


14 07/12/2015 AFRICA CALL – 6.5 MEuro: Water and Food Secutiry (African MPCs) (SICA eligibility) KBBE-2010-1-2-08, Improving research in support to scientific advice to fisheries management in the Mediterranean and Black Seas, Mandatory ICPC (MPC and Black Sea region) (SICA eligibility) KBBE-2010-3-1-01, Promoting global cooperation to facilitate and accelerate knowledge transfer on abiotic stress tolerance of plants, Mandatory ICPC (Latin America and/or Asia and/or Eastern Europe and Central Asia and/or ACP and /or Mediterranean partner countries + encouraged countries with S&T agreement) (SICA eligibility) KBBE-2010-4-04, Network of Third Countries bio NCPs, ICPC (ICPC Countries with S&T Cooperation Agreement + Australia, Canada, New Zealand, USA, Korea encouraged) (SICA eligibility) Encouraging international cooperation - KBBE-2010-3-2-01, Sustainable culture of marine microorganisms, algae and/or invertebrates for high added value products (ICPC encouraged). Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Biotechnology

15 07/12/2015 Environment (including climate change) AFRICA Call – 17.5 MEuro – Water and Food Security (African MPCs) - SICAs Encouraging international cooperation ENV.2010. Impact of ocean acidification in the Mediterranean in a changing climate, ICPC (MPCs) ENV.2010. Climate change mitigation options linked to deforestation and agriculture in the context of a post-2012 international agreement on climate change, ICPC encouraged

16 07/12/2015 Health AFRICA CALL – 39 MEuro – Better Health for Africa (African MPCs) (SICAs) HEALTH.2010 – SICA for MPC on Hepatitis-C (twinning with Egypt) HEALTH.2010.2.3.4-2: Comprehensive control of Neglected Infectious Diseases (NID)- (opened to all ICPC) (SICA) HEALTH.2010.3.4-5: Impact and cost-effectiveness of existing major health programmes (opened to all ICPC) (SICA) HEALTH.2010.3.4-6: Financing models for accessible health care (opened to all ICPC) (SICA) HEALTH.2010.4.2-5: Methodology to evaluate and monitor health policy implementation and performance of EU funded interventions in developing countries. (opened to all ICPC) (SICA)

17 07/12/2015 Transport (including aeronautics) Encouraging international cooperation AAT.2010.7.6 Stimulating research with International Cooperation Partner Countries Information Communication Technologies -ICT Uptake of ICT results in developing countries: public services and business applications (ACP, MPCs)

18 07/12/2015 PEOPLE Programme Marie Curie Actions in FP7 Perspectives

19 MPCs’ participation in FP7 (first three calls)



22 Participation of Third Partner Countries in FP7 Total Applicants Applicants in Main List Requested EC Contribution Algeria123181.328.182 Egypt464593.375.757 Jordan125201.462.686 Lebanon125121.246.085 Libya17119.795 Morocco367725.617.642 Palestine437583.006 Syria7081.316.851 Tunisia285484.888.110 Total161924519.838.114

23 CountryMainlist 2007Mainlist 2008Mainlist 2009 TOTAL7267106

24 Main listed 2007-2009

25 % success rate


27 TOTAL MPC’s applicants vs.themes Cap. Intern Cap. SMEsCap.InfraCap.SISENGYENVFABHealthICTNMPSECSSHSpaceTPT Algeria62508381794001104 Egypt126949768366441602748 Jordan94604322041252800 Lebanon601211222621303501 Libya20101322010200 Morocco1555517737811169131014 Palestine201007723011000 Syria3240014234510301 Tunisia11948855702615301804 TOTAL6628361948310322130120384145432

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