U.S. ATLAS Executive Committee August 3, 2005 U.S. ATLAS TDAQ FY06 M&O Planning A.J. Lankford UC Irvine.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. ATLAS Executive Committee August 3, 2005 U.S. ATLAS TDAQ FY06 M&O Planning A.J. Lankford UC Irvine."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. ATLAS Executive Committee August 3, 2005 U.S. ATLAS TDAQ FY06 M&O Planning A.J. Lankford UC Irvine

2 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 2 ATLAS TDAQ Overview

3 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 3 Overview of FY06 TDAQ M&O Activity  TDAQ Construction Project continues beyond CD-4A.  Most hardware acquisition and installation in FY06-07  Much software development, esp. HLT, continues.  TDAQ M&O activity overlaps with Construction in FY06-07.  Construction Project ‘labor’ is ramping down quickly.  FY06 is first year of ‘significant’ M&O activity.  FY06 M&O activity focuses on DAQ & HLT Infrastructure s/w.  TDAQ M&O activities can be classified as:  Hardware commissioning  Hardware maintenance  Software commissioning  Software maintenance  Operations  Detector support  TDAQ support

4 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 4 HLT/DAQ Component View

5 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 5 Pre-series Hardware

6 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 6 FY06 Hardware Commissioning & Maintenance  Hardware Commissioning  Complete commissioning of Pre-series system  10% scale of final system w/ components of final specs  Commission final RoI Builder hardware  Commission DAQ infrastructure  Network infrastructure (large central switch) - connectivity to ROS’s  DAQ processors - SFI’s, SFO’s, L2SV’s, pROS’s  Racks & rack instrumentation  Initial complement of HLT processors - late in year  Hardware Maintenance  Pre-series system  RoI Builder  DAQ infrastructure  Test beds - particularly “performance testbed”

7 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 7 Software Development: Transition to M&O  The Combined Test Beam Release of HLT/DAQ software was nearly complete with respect to DAQ and HLT Infrastructure functionality.  This release was commissioned, operated, and maintained for the 2004 ATLAS CTB Run.  Subsequent development of this HLT/DAQ software consists of:  Added functionality (e.g. fault tolerance & error recovery)  HLT selection algorithm development  Refinement of existing code based upon CTB and subsequent experience and feedback  Development of added functionality and algorithms is Construction Project activity.  Refinement of existing code is M&O activity.  Starting in FY05, software development is increasingly M&O.  After first physics run, software development will be entirely M&O.

8 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 8 FY06 Software Commissioning & Maintenance  Software Commissioning  Commissioning of new functionality  Examples of U.S. activity:  LVL2 Supervisor and RoI Builder software  DAQ software –Monitoring –Inter-process communication and Information Services –Message passing  HLT Infrastructure software –Run Control & Supervision –LVL2 Steering –EF Dataflow  Software Maintenance  Maintenance of above (bug fixes, releases, TDAQ/Offline consistency)  Incorporate new functionality based upon experience

9 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 9 FY06 Operations  Operating DAQ infrastructure in USA15 and SDX1 in support of Detector (and TDAQ) commissioning  Network administration  System administration (DAQ and HLT computer systems)  TDAQ support teams will start rotations once level of activity at Point 1 demands

10 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 10 FY06 Detector & TDAQ Support  Detector Support  ROD Crate DAQ maintenance and support  Support for:  Detector-specific software development, e.g.: –ROD software –Online histogramming & monitoring  Detector commissioning  Detector calibrations (and test beam runs ?)  TDAQ Support  Support development & commissioning of other TDAQ subsystems  Examples:  SRB support for commissioning LVL1 trigger subsystems  Integration of HLT vertical slices  Network support for Dataflow performance tests

11 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 11 FY05 M&O Activities  Hardware Commissioning  Pre-series system, including pre-series RoIB  DCS for TDAQ racks  Planning for TDAQ infrastructure commissioning  Hardware Maintenance  Set up RoIB test bench  TDAQ test bed maintenance & administration  Software Commissioning  Releases, release testing, release testing procedures  Software Maintenance  Maintain code authored by U.S. members, e.g.:  Message passing, Information Services, Online Histogramming,  HLT Steering, HLT Control, Monitoring  Synchronization of releases with Offline  Adapt/port code to new compiler and new CERN Linux

12 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 12 FY05 M&O Activities – p. 2  Operations  Completion of CTB run  System administration planning  Detector Support  TileCal beam test  Monitoring  Support of production and simulation of test beam data  TDAQ Support  Support integration with RoIB in CTB  Support of HLT algorithm integration  Test bed setup in UK, Dubna

13 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 13 M&O Planning Methodology/History  Experience in FY04, particularly CTB, indicated prior estimates of M&O effort were low.  New bottoms-up estimate of M&O effort in Jan. 2005  By “new kid on block”, w/ input from all involved  Based on effort needed for commissioning and ongoing maintenance of hardware & software components delivered by U.S.  Constructed matrix of effort per component vs. time  Estimate larger than prior estimate => add Management Reserve  MR added covers ~1/2 of increase in estimate  Checked total estimate w/ 20% of top-down estimate for ATLAS  Coordinated w/ TDAQ Management Team

14 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 14 3.6.1 Preoperations – FY06 Supervisor – RoI Builder 28k$ ANL: 15k$; Dawson/Drake; TDAQ Support MSU: 12k$; Ermoline; TDAQ Support Communications & Travel (16k) ANL: (8k) MSU: (8k) Programming Support 103k$ (201k) ANL: 59k$; Schlereth/TBN; S/w Comm, Detector Supp MSU: 44k$ (17k); Ermoline/TBN; H/w+S/w Comm, Det Supp UCI: 0k$ (104k); Stancu/Kolos/Negri; H/w+S/w Comm, Det+TDAQ Supp UWisc: 0k$ (80k); Wiedenmann/dosAnjos/Xu; S/w Comm, Det+TDAQ Supp

15 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 15 3.6.2 Operations – FY06 Supervisor – RoI Builder 137k$ ANL: 97k$; Dawson/Drake/Schlereth; H/w+S/w Maint, TDAQ Support MSU: 40k$; Ermoline; H/w+S/w Maint, Ops, TDAQ Support Communications & Travel 51k$ ANL: 13k$ MSU: 13k$ UCI: 13k$ UW: 13k$ Test Facilities ANL: 10k$ MSU: 11k$

16 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 16 3.6.2 Operations – FY06 (p. 2) Programming Support 668k$ (241k) ANL: 248k$ Schlereth/TBN; S/w Maintenance, Detector Support MSU: 90k$ (22k) Ermoline/Hauser/TBN; S/w Maintenance, Ops UCI: 205k$ (206k) Stancu/Ciobotaru/Unel/Kolos/Wheerler/Negri/Rogge H/w+S/w Maintenance, Ops, Detector+TDAQ Support UW: 126k$ (13k) Wiedenmann/dosAnjos/Xu; S/w Maintenance, Det+TDAQ Support

17 U.S. ATLAS FY06 TDAQ M&O Planning August 3, 2005 17 FY06 Management Reserve  FY06 MR priorities (in rough priority order) :  Hardware commissioning: 0.25 => 0.5 FTE  Software commissioning: 0.25 => 0.5 FTE  Hardware maintenance: 0.5 => 1 FTE  TDAQ support: 0.4 => 1 FTE  Operations: 0.3 => 1 FTE  Detector support: 1 => 2 FTE  SRB: 1 => 1 FTE; Software maintenance: 2.5 => 2.5 FTE  Total: 6.2 => 9.5 FTE ~458k$  Impact of MR:  Improved readiness of TDAQ for cosmics and beam  Improved efficiency of detector commissioning  Improved tools for detector monitoring  More efficient HLT/DAQ operations  Improved efficiency of operations due to s/w enhancements  Without MR funds, either or both:  Reduced DAQ support for detectors, w ith delays in detector commissioning  Reduced effort on ongoing HLT/DAQ development, with delays in completing critical software

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