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The Number System Multiplying Decimals © 2013 Meredith S. Moody.

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Presentation on theme: "The Number System Multiplying Decimals © 2013 Meredith S. Moody."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Number System Multiplying Decimals © 2013 Meredith S. Moody

2 Objective: You will be able to…
Multiply multi-digit decimals © 2013 Meredith S. Moody

3 Multiplying Decimals Write the number with more digits
Step 1: Write the number with more digits Step 2: Write the second number beneath the first; line up the DIGITS! Step 3: Multiply the numbers normally Step 4: Count the total number of digits after the decimals in the problem Step 5: Count the same number of digits in your answer (starting at the end of the number – count backwards) Step 6: Put the decimal in front of the final digit you count © 2013 Meredith S. Moody

4 Example 1 © 2013 Meredith S. Moody

5 Example 2 © 2013 Meredith S. Moody

6 You try 0.3 x 5.391 1.6173 23.41 x 6.5 1.88 x 365.3 © 2013 Meredith S. Moody

7 Mistakes What are some mistakes you think people make when multiplying decimals? Lining up the decimals instead of the digits Putting the decimal in the wrong place in the answer Why do you think they make those mistakes? Adding & subtracting decimals have different rules How do you remember not to make those mistakes? © 2013 Meredith S. Moody

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