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LIBERALISM ILLUSTRATED: KANT’S PERPETUAL PEACE. PERPETUAL PEACE (1795)  Immanuel Kant – German Philosopher of the Enlightenment  Focuses on Freedom.

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Presentation on theme: "LIBERALISM ILLUSTRATED: KANT’S PERPETUAL PEACE. PERPETUAL PEACE (1795)  Immanuel Kant – German Philosopher of the Enlightenment  Focuses on Freedom."— Presentation transcript:


2 PERPETUAL PEACE (1795)  Immanuel Kant – German Philosopher of the Enlightenment  Focuses on Freedom – Not the Lawless “Freedom” of Anarchy, But the Freedom of Self-Government and to Obey Consciously the Laws of the Universe as Revealed by Reason  Individual Welfare is an End in Itself  In Ideal Society, Laws Should be Made in Such a Way as to Reflect the United Will of the Entire Society (Representative Government)

3 PERPETUAL PEACE (1795)  Perpetual Peace (1795) – Written at Ebb of Major Power War (Not Uncommon)  Relatively Simple and Attainable Set of Rules By Which Individuals Abide to Maintain Peace in Anarchy; These Hinge on the Capacity of Humans to Learn, Practice Good Will, Engage in Cooperation (Enlightenment Ideals)  Preamble – World Leaders Are “Insatiable of War” (Made by Evil Men – Common Classical Liberal Perception)  Two Types of Articles: Preliminary (Background) and Definitive (Actions States and Leaders Must Take)

4 PERPETUAL PEACE (1795)  Preliminary Articles:  Peace Treaties Must Resolve Issues Underlying War (Otherwise, Bad Faith)  States Cannot Be Entirely Subsumed or Dominated by Others (States Not Property, But Social Contracts – Destruction is Unjust)  Standing Armies Abolished (Relieve Security Dilemma)  No Establishment of Systems of Credit That Seriously Indebt Others (Cause for War)  No Interference in Domestic Workings of Other States (Infringes Upon Rights, Up Until Secession)  No Dishonorable or Atrocious Tactics (Onset of Total War)

5 PERPETUAL PEACE (1795)  Definitive Articles  1. The Civil Constitution of Every State Should Be Republican  Only Form Deriving From Social Contract  Kant’s Definition: Separation of Executive and Legislative; Both Autocracy and Pure Democracy are Despotic  War Chosen Very Selectively (Predisposed to Peace), Because Empowered Citizens Must Bear Costs  In Non-Republics, Leaders Pay No Heed To Costs of Subjects; They Care Mainly About Glory and Enrichment, and So Fight When they Wish

6 PERPETUAL PEACE (1795)  Definitive Articles (cont’d)  2. The Laws of Nations Should Be Founded on A Federation of Free States  Undesirability of World Government (Authority Higher than Original Social Contract)  However, Republican Federation Possible  Formation of League of Peace, With Shared Values Dominating – Precludes War  Can be Made by Enlightened People in Non-Republican States  As Republicanism Spreads, States Relinquish “Freedom” to Harm Others, Adjust to Common and Public Law and War Ceases as Means of Conflict Resolution

7 PERPETUAL PEACE (1795)  Definitive Articles (cont’d)  3. The Law of World Citizenship Shall Be Limited To Conditions of Universal Hospitality  Republicanism Precarious; Moreover, there Will Be at Least Some Non-Republics For a While  We WILL See War Between the Two Types, as Aggression of Non- Republics Infringes on Republican Freedoms  As Such, Peace Will Never Prevail Until People are Treated Peaceably Outside Their Own States  Universal Hospitality May be the First Step in the “Conversion” of Non-Republics

8 DISCUSSION – IS NATO A “REPUBLICAN FEDERATION”?  Why was NATO founded?  Why is it still in existence after the fall of USSR? Does its continued existence contradict realism’s expectations?  Why have several Eastern European states joined since the late 1990s? Is it for security from Russia, or something else?  Why have charter allies accepted new states, even though their defense contributions are minimal?

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