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1 Staff Review and Development (SRD): For those being reviewed Jessie Monck, PPD, Human Resources Division Personal and Professional Development.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Staff Review and Development (SRD): For those being reviewed Jessie Monck, PPD, Human Resources Division Personal and Professional Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Staff Review and Development (SRD): For those being reviewed Jessie Monck, PPD, Human Resources Division Personal and Professional Development

2 Overall purpose and outcomes of SRD 2 SRD is for all employees across all grades and staff groups. “Its purpose is to enhance work effectiveness and facilitate career development.” SRD Guidance 2004 Review work and progress Plan for future work and development Clarify responsibilities Look for solutions Consider longer term plans Reviewer Reviewee Supported self-review

3 3 Roles and responsibilities Employees with responsibility for others… ensure individuals and the team can and do get the job done All employees… take responsibility to meet standards and expectations of the job

4 SRD: Why do it? 4 Reviewee Self-review Clear direction Well-being Development Motivation

5 What does SRD need to succeed? Commitment & genuine interest in making it useful Knowledge about it – e.g. why and how Time to prepare Ability to reflect on knowledge and experience Ability to draw meaningful conclusions and objectives Be an on-going part of good employment and support 5

6 6 Stages in the SRD process 1. Prepare2. Meet3. Follow-up Good practice can include: 4. Review of the review process

7 7 Stage 1: Preparation – before the meeting 2.Key areas to consider: Work and performance Strengths and skills Areas to develop Potential objectives for the next year Wider plans for the team/organisation/department Longer term aspirations Questions you will ask 1.Practical arrangements Read relevant guidance, incl. PD25 Date, time, venue Consider a pre-meeting

8 8 Stage 2: Stages of the meeting Start the meeting Clarify purpose and agenda Discuss Work, progress and achievements Areas of strength and enjoyment Areas and ideas for improvement Objectives: work and development Career planning and aspirations Agree actions Evaluate and close the meeting

9 The meeting – in film Look out for what is done well and not so well (e.g. skills, knowledge, behaviour) 1.Start of the meeting 1Start of the meeting 1 2.Start of the meeting 2Start of the meeting 2 3.Middle of the meeting 1Middle of the meeting 1 4.Middle of the meeting 2Middle of the meeting 2 5.End of the meeting 1End of the meeting 1 6.End of the meeting 2End of the meeting 2 9 What could you do more (or less) of?

10 10 Stage 2: Skills, knowledge, attributes for the meeting Ask useful questions – and listen to answers Draw conclusions from discussions Be constructive – look for solutions (e.g. how to make an improvement, or meet a development objective) Consider bigger picture, make plans, agree objectives Knowledge – e.g. the direction of future work and opportunities Record key points, guide the meeting, keep to time and agenda Be open to suggestions and feedback

11 11 Key skill: asking questions Open: Tell me about… Probing: Can you expand… (who, where, when, how ?) Closed: This is what I understand. Am I right?

12 Key skill: tips for effective feedback Giving feedback Be prepared, be specific Clarify expected and actual performance or behaviour Consider possible solutions or improvements Agree way forward Feedback about positives too Model how to receive feedback well 12 Receiving feedback Approach it positively and calmly Listen activity to feedback Ask for specific examples or clarification if necessary Consider the feedback and possible ways to address it Make a note of key points Try to thank the person The purpose of feedback is to change or improve a situation. It must be a positive process and experience.

13 Key skill: Setting objectives for SRD 13 Work To achieve in next 12 months Linked to wider objectives Developmen t To help do the job better To meet work objectives Record on the SRD form (PD25) Record on the Personal Development Plan (PD26)

14 1.Identify what needs to be achieved 2.Clarify and record it (be SMART) 3.Consider what needs to be done to achieve each objective 14 Key skill: Setting and achieving objectives (1-2-3)

15 15 Meeting development objectives: being creative go on a course work shadow or swap find a mentor or be a mentor reading/research observe/speak to ‘an expert’ be ‘the expert’ and teach someone else take opportunity to practise attend meeting/event work on a project with others delegation – can provide many possibilities for development … Activities for achieving development objectives include: End of meeting 2

16 16 Stage 3: follow-up after the discussion RECORD the discussion and objectives (using the PD25) Reviewees  Take responsibility for achieving objectives  Review and communicate Reviewers  Provide support to achieve objectives  Review

17 Overall purpose and outcomes of SRD “Its purpose is to enhance work effectiveness and facilitate career development.” SRD Guidance 2004 17 Review work and progress Plan for future work and development Reviewer Reviewee

18 18 Tips for dealing with challenges Practise assertive behaviour Be clear about what you want to get out of the process Anticipate/pre-empt reactions Ask open questions and also ask specific questions to probe further or to get clarification Have evidence to back up your opinion, be reasonable and objective Manage expectations e.g. agree reasonable time lines and discuss priorities Be prepared – stay calm

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